- 此代码示范了如何利用 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API函数枚举系统当前进程。以及如何用HANDLE OpenProcess(...),TerminateProcess(...)来打开和关闭活动进程。 -this code demonstrated how to use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API function except to the current process system. And how HANDLE OpenProcess
- Tsunami Bench是一个连接Apache Bench的Gnome/GTK前端。它是作者的第一个Gnome/GTK应用程序,作者希望最终用更好的功能来取代AB。-Tsunami Bench is a link Apache Bench of the Gnome / GTK front end. It is the first author of a Gnome / GTK application, the authors hope to better end-to replace the
- JAVA编程中中文乱码问题的解决方法-JAVA Programming Chinese gibberish the solution to the problem
- To simplify time manipulation in C++.
C语言头文件 略述
- 对于使用C语言家族开发工具进行软件开发的技术人员来讲,头文件(后缀名为 .h 的文件)是再熟悉不过的了。头文件作为一种包含功能函数接口声明的一类文件,在C语言家族程序开发中被大量使用。-use of C language family of development tools for software development in terms of technical personnel, the first document (known as the suffix. H document)
一对一校友录 v1.1
- 这个校友录版面是一网名为“欣然”的女孩修改使用的1.0版校友录,感谢她的提供。在前阵子我在 论坛说需要美工帮忙,此后便受到了“青蛙”、goudan的大力支持,但由于我的一些原因,还是选择了在原 基础上修改,用新版面将花大量的时间,这对现在的我来说将是最大的困难,如果我还是在校学生那会无所谓。 感谢欣然、goudan、青蛙和一直关心本程序动态的朋友们,你们的支持是就是我们的动力。-recorded layout of the alumni network is called a "h
- 使用jsp语言编写的文件上传下载功能组件,实现上传下载的基本功能-use of the language file upload download components, uploading and downloading to achieve the basic functions
- fcdfsfsf共有0位会员参与评价(同志们,下载了要留点说明啊! -fcdfsfsf were 0 Member participate in the evaluation (Comrades, downloaded to stay shows ah! A total of 0 members participate in the evaluation (Comrades, downloaded to stay shows ah! A total of 0 members participat
- 本程序实现了一个Http服务器,能够接受客户端(浏览器)的连接请求,可以更改当前 的Http服务目录,而且能够将指定的网页发送到客户浏览器, 本程序是—个基于对话柜的MFC应用程序,主要介绍如何利用socket(套接字)实现Http 协议等内容。请使用vc++.net运行本程序。-This Program realize a Http Server which can accept the connection request of client and change the current H
- CIni 是一個存取ini很便便的class,大家一定要試試。-CIni is very convenient class for us to get or store ini, you must have a try!
- 利用ASP制作的装饰设计公司网站开发管理全站!可以供大家参考参考!希望对大家有帮助!希望大家喜欢!谢谢!-ASP decorative design of the production company's Web site development and management of the station! Can for your information! We want to help! Hope you like! Thank you!
- 用WinSocket创建客户机服务器程序 请斑竹通过,我好喜欢这个网站啊,连做梦都是呀-Winsocket used to create client-server requests fed through, I like this site good ah, even dreaming are ah
- 一个C#写的WEB方式的服务器,是一个家校通系统,另外有一个负责串口发送短信的,做为一个代码上传.-C# to write a Web server approach is a home-school system, and another one for the serial port to send text messages, as a code uploads.
- 应该会让很多网友开心,因为这是一个无须使用SSI的随机音乐程式,支援*.mid以及*.wav档,至于能不能支援*.ra或*.ram........等等?这要各位网友自己去测试了,如果有了结果记得要通知我喔!^_^-many netizens would be happy, because it is not necessary to use a random SSI music programs, and support *. mid *. wav stalls, they can suppor
- 很不错的学籍管理系统让你不要到处找源码了哦,快点来下载吧!!1-This is a very good system for status of student management,you can use it and don t need to look for the sound code everywhere. Quick download!!It is a good choice!
- 第一步:把如下代码加入<body>区域中 <scr ipt LANGUAGE=\"java-scr ipt\"> <!-- Begin function doit() { form.input.value = eval(form.input.value) } function Cos() { x = form.input.value if (x == ) alert( Error: Input Required ) else f
- 水木bbs的最新打包版本,是国内最好的bbs版本之一的公开打包代码。-Shuimu bulletin board package to the latest version, is the finest one of the bulletin board version of the open source package.
- 基于ASP语言和SQL server数据库的同学录管理系统。内容比较简单!-failed to translate
- 基于web的机票订票系统源代码。直接编译、运行无错误-failed to translate
- DAC for lpc1768-cortexm3-arm7 dijital to analog for arm7 lpc17-DAC for lpc1768-cortexm3-arm7 dijital to analog for arm7 lpc17xx