- php + perl 上载工具源代码。用于大文件上载。上载时现实进度条,使上载用户知道上载进度以及剩余等待时间。-php tools available source code. For large file uploading. When the reality on the progress to be made on the users know on the progress and the remaining waiting time.
- 一个通过网络高速传输文件的控件: 具有以下特点 1.有高速数据传输功能,超过了Winsock控件的吞吐量 2.入校验功能,满足大数据包的收发,理论上不限数据尺寸 3.加入防错代码,提高了接口鲁棒性-through a network of high-speed transmission of documents, the controls : one with the following features. A high-speed data transmission funct
- 通常服务器同时与多个用户连接,用户之间共享带宽.如果N个用户的优先级都相同,那么每个用户连接到该服务器上的实际带宽就是服务器带宽的N分之一.可以想象,如果用户数目较多,则每个用户只能占有可怜的一点带宽,下载将会是个漫长的过程. -Usually the server with multiple users simultaneously connected users share the bandwidth, if N users have the same priority level, eac