- C++语言写的一个HTTP代理服务器实例,用户可以通过它实现一级或二级代理,同时该代理服务器还内嵌有WEB服务器,用户可以通过其虚拟域名对其主页进行访问.请在VC++6.0及以上环境下编译-the C language to write an HTTP proxy server example, users can achieve it one or two agents, Comparisons of the proxy server is also equipped with a Web s
- MultiProxy is a multifunctional personal proxy server you can install to help speed up your downloads, especially if you are trying to get several files form overseas or from otherwise rather slow server. It can also help protect your privac
- c++实现的http代理,别人的源码,如果原作者有什么异议,请删除-c++ implementation of the http proxy, someone else' s source code, if there is any objection to the original author, please delete
- http_proxy是一款非常简单的http代理软件,它包含一个shell写的CGI脚本和一款用C语言写的简单的http_client,详细使用见README.txt-http_proxy is a very simple http proxy software, it is implemented with shell and c, it includes a CGI scr ipt written in shell and a http client written in C, for mo