- 1、实现对局域网内ARP请求的响应。 2、实现对局域网内ICMP的ECHO报文的响应 ICMP_Send_Echo,功能描述:用另外一台主机用ping 命令ping 本主机主机,本主机卸载TCP/IP协议,此时我们编写的程序ICMP_Send_Echo解读Wincap抓到的包,并封装好我们的数据包对另外一台主机回应,另外一台主显示结果能政党ping通,当我们结束ICMP_Send_Echo时,另外一台主机显示为不能ping通。- 1, to realize the LAN ARP r
- 功能非常强大,可以使用其做出网络爬虫或网络下载工具,里面支持HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE 和GOPHER等协议。使用时请把结尾的.gz去掉-Very powerful, you can use to make web crawler or web download tool which supports HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE, and GOPHER, etc. protocol.
- sniffer的实用教程。比较详细的结束了sniffer抓包工具的使用过程。-sniffer practical tutorial. The end of a more detailed process of using sniffer packet capture tools.
- 利用该方法可以实现对管道敏感数据(如用户名密码等)的截获,但是在对原命名管道进行结束、干扰或使其无法接收数据方面,实现起来相对困难。-If a server via named pipes to communicate with a client, the server can use the Windows API function ImpersonateNamedPipeClient to tell the SRM, he wanted to imitate the other end
- vnStatSVG是网络流量分析工具vnStat的一款前端分析工具。它比其他前端工具的优势在于,不需要安装和配置复杂的语言环境,使用XML分发数据,用XSL显示数据为SVG图片,容易分发和部署,非常适合嵌入式与分布式的使用环境。-vnStatSVG is a web front-end to vnStat(a network traffic logger).it only requires a cgi-supported http server setup but also generates
- VC++ 局域网屏幕监控系统,监控局域网某台电脑内的屏幕动态,图像看上去好像不太清淅,高手们也可拿去修改源码,继续完善。编译服务端和屏幕端之后,先运行Server端,再运行Screen端,然后点击“开始获缺即可得到远程的屏幕图像,可监控远程的电脑是否被人操作。-VC++ LAN screen control system, monitoring LAN within a computer screen dynamic, image looks like less clear mission, m
- 论坛BBS等*工具,可以设置图形,可以设置待时,现在支持天涯,有兴趣的可以继续加论坛!-Forum BBS mass tool, you can set the graphics can be set to be, now supports the End of the World, who are interested can continue to add Forum!
- ssm开发实现简单的oa办公管理系统,模板是网上下载,后端代码自己实现(SSM development and implementation of a simple OA office management system, templates are downloaded online, the back-end code to achieve their own.)