- 它是UMTS协议分析仪。通过读这个文档,你定会了解协议及使用操作。很可能你自己就会开发你自己的协议分协议。-UMTS analyzer is capable of capturing, decoding and performing various test measurements across various interfaces i.e. Iub, Iur, IuCs and IuPs interfaces of the UMTS network. In addition, it supp
- 1. 能够侦听所有进出本主机的数据包完整显示数据包头信息和内容 MAC层支持:以太帧 网络层支持:IP,ARP,RARP,ICMP 传输层支持:TCP,UDP 2. 以十六进制显示报文每个字节内容(包括头和数据),指定某个字段时,使相应字节高 亮显示。如点击IP Source Address(在解析树中),则相应的四个字节高亮。 -1. To listen to all packets entering and leaving the integrity of the
- IPSec AH and NAT AH integrity check covers addresses in the IP header. The integrity check fails at the destination due to NAT /reverse-NAT modifying these addresses. This applies to both AH transport and tunnel modes. Note that this does not appl