- Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with URL as well as Machine Name in Network. -Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with the URL as well as Machin Name in e Network.
- 这是一本介绍TCP/IP工作原理和在现代网络中的作用和地位,详细介绍了当前的一些网络新技术和协议,对网络编程有一定的帮助。 -The Illustrated Network- How Tcpip Works In A Modern Network
- 微软发布的一份讲述有关于Windows系统下TCP/IP协议的工作原理的文档,以及在Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003家族中的配置. 这份PDF格式的文档同时讨论了IPv4和IPv6在Windows上的一些基础知识. -Microsoft has released a tell on the Windows system, TCP/IP protocol works of
- TCP/IP的客户端程序,作为开发人员的例程,可以很好的理解其工作原理,然后进行开发,已实测。-TCP/IP client program,As a routine developers can well understand how it works, and then to develop, it has been found.
- TCP/IP的服务端应用程序,与客户端程序配套使用,可以有效提高开发效率,迅速的理解其工作原理,例程已经实测。-TCP/IP server-side applications, and client programs supporting the use, can effectively improve the development efficiency, quickly understand how it works, the routine has been found.
- 一个基于socket通信方式的小型局域网即时聊天应用,包含服务器端与客户端的具体实现,适用于网络编程初学者理解TCP/IP协议栈的工作原理。-Based on a small LAN socket communication instant messaging applications, including implementation of the server and client for network programming for beginners to understand TCP
- IP*Works! is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development, providing easy-to-use, programmable components that facilitate