- 软件A/D所能实现的精度有限,测量电压范围是2-15V, 而且速度低(约1KHz),但仅用一个电容和一个电阻的诱惑 力,我想大虾您会笑纳的。用于某些场合是有用的。 原理是利用470K电阻对1uF电容充电,利用P0.0口作为检测电压, 当电压低于1/3 VCC时,P0.0读入的I/O电平为0,当充电电压超过 1/3 VCC时,P0.0读入的I/O电平为1。通过测量此过程所用的时间, 就能判断输入电压(需要换算)。 程序的编写用定时器0实现-Software
- Connectivity test App. Tests for SQL Server, DNS, TCP port status, RDP access, SMTP with and without encryption. Coded in Delphi, some low level winsock, some with components. uses ICS, Abrevia, Jedi VCL, Zeos, KaDAO.-Connectivity test App. Tests for
- This directory contains source code for libpcap, a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture. libpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Applications include network statistics collection, security