- 一本不错的黑客教程,主要是针对一些常见问题的描述,和一些入侵技巧- A good hacker course, mainly is aims at some frequently asked questions faqs the descr iption, with some invasion skills
- MIDI provides a common interface that allows interconnecting a vast array of electronic devices. Getting those devices working cooperatively is an entirely different story. This project aims to provide a solution to that specific problem.-MIDI provid
- American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a series of
- A Linux port of the OpenBSD/FreeBSD Cryptographic Framework (OCF). This port aims to bring full asynchronous HW/SW crypto acceleration to the Linux kernel, OpenSwan, OpenSSL and applications using DES, 3DES, AES, MD5, SHA, PublicKey, RNGs and more.
- 本程序旨在讲解如何用Delphi创建一个可以在易语言中执行的支持库,并给出了一个实用的汉字取模的易程序, 1.支持库为标准DLL格式,扩展名为fne. 在其中实现了移位操作(Delphi7+WinXp通过) 2.在易语言中导入此支持库(复制TaoLibShift.fne)到易语言的LIB目录下,然后才可以执行 [诺亚点阵汉字提取器.e] 3.输出的格式有 ASM和C两种格式,可以直接应用于8x8点阵LED,-This procedure aims to explain how to use De
- Cromfs is a compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. Cromfs is best at archiving gigabytes of big files that have a lot of redundancy. It aims primarily at achieving a strong compression, even at the cost of memory and CPU time resources. It uses t
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- 在 lunar基础上制作的快速查看农历软件,使用方法: lunar 查看当前日期和时间下的农历 lunar year month day [hour] 查看特定日期的对应农历 默认为中文显示,-e参数输出英文和拼音 -A very small Chinese Lunar Calendar aims to use in CLI or conky, based on Lunar(Chinese Lunar Calendar conversion utili
- 本文档主要讲述了GRUB的使用;GRUB 2 是源自于一个名为 PUPA 的项目,目的是建立下一代的 boot loader。GRUB 2 几乎是从零开始开始开发的,它和 GRUB Legacy 不同的地方有很多,例如支持 scr ipts、国际化语言、动态加载模块、带有 resuce 模式等等。-This document describes the use GRUB GRUB 2 is derived from a project known as PUPA, aims to build
- 分别实现DES的加密和解密,该程序加密的对象为8位字符串,加密后显示的结果为将64比特转为字符串的形式。加密的正确性可通过解密的结果来验证。-This program aims to encrypt and decrypt DES respectively, and the encrypted object of the program is the 8-bit string, i.e. converting the 64 bits into the form of strings. The v
- This white paper aims at briefly describing the technologies currently used in filter design in Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). We will consider the advantages and drawbacks of using signature filters versus anomaly filters, an
- Emacs编辑器使用教程。 本文的主旨以讨论 EMACS 的入门为主,其内容包括 EMACS 发展的概述, EMACS 整合环境的简介以及 EMACS 的基石 - editor 的详谈。本文在结构上分成八章,第一章讨论有关 EMACS 的源起、发展历史以及 EMACS 的特性简介。 第二章讨论 EMACS 的 on-line help。第三章则简单介绍 EMACS 的整合环境。接下来就是本文的重点,探讨 EMACS 的本质。 所以,第三章之後的各章节则详细探讨 EMACS 为 editor
- 针对好多Linux 爱好者对内核很有兴趣却无从下口,本文旨在介绍一种解读linux内核源码的入门方法,而不是解说linux复杂的内核机制; -For a lot of Linux enthusiasts interested in no way the kernel under the mouth, this article aims to introduce an interpretation of the entry way linux kernel source code, rather
- aims to bring to life appendix 4.1 of world squash singles rules
- This course aims to teach a sound basis of C PROGRAMMING. We will start with basic ideas and hopefully extend these to include some advanced features of C. We will particularly look at how C uses pointers, references low level memory and bytes
- Shell脚本专家指南(英文原版),本书旨在为Linux、Unix以及OS X系统管理员提供短小精悍且功能强大的shell实现解决方案,教会读者如何使用现有调试器调试shell脚本。-Shell scr ipt expert guide (English original), this book aims to dapper and powerful shell for Linux, Unix and OS X system administrators to provide solutions
- 本项目旨在为Linux提供完整的数据Prefetch解决方案-This project aims at providing complete Linux solution for prefetching data necessary for fast start of application.
- This guide aims to describe the steps I had to take to get dropbear installed on my system. I ve searched a lot for this information and finally got it working. Most of what is described here can be found elsewhere. The added value is that it is all
- windows 系统的linkinfo.dll。进行替换,来达到自己的目的。把文件放在C:\WINDOWS\下,当开机时就会掉用它。这是一种非常古老的病毒方法之一。对于初学者很有帮助。-windows system linkinfo.dll. Replacement, to achieve its own aims. The files in the C: \ WINDOWS \ boot will fall with it. This is one of a very old virus. H
- FreeBIOS项目的目的是提供一个替换的任何一台计算机的固件,并支持先进的或自定义功能和配置。最初的代码仅支持基于英特尔处理器的,但其他的处理器和芯片组将支持-The FreeBIOS project aims to provide a replacement for any computer s firmware, and support advanced or custom features and configurations. Initial code supports Intel-b