- 智原科技正式推出可携式MP3音乐播放器SoC设计平台 - FIE7系列音频平台方案,首先推出的是针对低功耗有强烈需求的可携式,基于闪存的MP3播放器 - FIE7005语音设计平台,该平台的特色在于使用双核技术并利用智原科技所开发并验证优化过的大量硅知识产权(IP)构建而成- The wisdom original science and technology officially promotes may take along type MP3 music player SoC to des
- 文章主要介绍了基于TMS320VC5402的指纹识别系统的设计,概括说明了系统的硬 件和软件设计,重点阐述了指纹算法在DSP实现中所采用的优化策略,旨在实现代码的高效和运 算速度的改善。-article introduces the TMS320VC5402 based fingerprint recognition system design outline of the system hardware and software design, focus on the fingerp
- Developers use algorithms and data structures every day of their working lives. Having a good under-standing of these algorithms and knowledge of when to apply them is essential to producing softwarethat not only works correctly, but also performs ef
- 用VB控制光驱用过豪杰超级解霸的朋友应该发现它有控制光驱开关的功能了吧,只要鼠标一点,光驱就听从你发出的命令(打开/关闭),不必动手去按开关按钮了,方便吧?其实也可以用VB编写一个简单的控制光驱的(打开和关闭)程序,轻轻一点就可达到目的。在VB6中新建工程,在窗体上放置三个(Command)命令按钮,其中Command1和Command2的Caption属性分别是“打开光驱”和“关闭光驱”,Command3,的Caption属性是“退出程序”。-VB control drive used her
- The Deep Space Communications and Navigation Systems Center of Excellence (DESCANSO) was established in 1998 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). DESC
- PLC是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置。在工业控制中,常常需要对PLC所采集的数据和工作状态进行监测控制,Visual C++是一种Windows应用程序开发工具,在图形处理和数据库管理等方面具有较强的功能,用它来实现底层的通信控制有着更快的速度。本文旨在探讨用可视化编程语言VisualC++实现计算机与PLC之间的串行通讯技术,充分合理地利用系统资源及特点,提高通讯效率。-PLC is a microprocessor as the core of industrial control dev
- 作为上世纪80年代早期批准的一个平衡传输标准,RS-485似乎已成为工业界永不过时的接口标准。关于它的文献有很多,但对于很少接触接口设计的系统工程师而言,如此海量的文献就有些让人吃不消了。 本文旨在讨论RS-485标准的主要内容,为初接触它的设计师提供入门指南。研究文末参考的一些附加应用笔记可进一步帮助设计师在最短的时间内完成一套可靠的数传设计。 -As the last century, the early 80 s approval of a balanced transmissio
- Abstract. The main aim of this research is to improve communication between student and teacher by using the developing mobile information technologies. Implementing such technologies in education may help to develop learning environments to share th
- mc9s12dg128原理图和pcb图(可直接制板)mc9s12dg128原理图protel 99se打开,智能车制作网站旨在为广大电子爱好者提供和搭建各种制作智能车的资料和讨论交流平台-mc9s12dg128 schematic diagram and pcb (direct system board) mc9s12dg128 open protel 99se schematic, smart car production site aims to provide the majority o
- This program aims to build a program of a ball game written in Turbo pascal.
- This book provides readers with the knowledge of Visual C# concepts. In addition to the concepts explained in the chapters, the book provides readers with several projects that enable them to create Windows applications,Web services,Web applica
- In the 25+ years the TCP/IP protocol family has been deployed on the internet, it has often faced new problems and challenges. Even today, new extensions such as ECN and TCPs user timeout option, are being added to the core protocols. Newer net
- 本人的学生成绩管理系统以Windows 2000为开发平台,选用Visual Basic语言为主程序的设计语言,选用Microsoft Access作为关系数据库。 本课题旨在开发适合于高等学校院系使用的学生信息管理系统,方便院系教务秘书进行学生信息管理,系统应包括以下内容:本系统主要可以实现以下的管理功能:班级管理、学生档案管理、课程管理、成绩管理等等。其中包括开题报告、任务计划书和正规论文,及源码。-My student achievement management system to
- a brief introduction to the concept and application of smart antennas for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems is presented. Following some introductory remarks in Section 1.1, the basic definition and classification of smart antennas is
- This presentation aims to raise awareness about attacks that are not easily detectible or preventible on most wireless networks today.
- 服务器运维白皮书 希望对从事服务器方面工作的朋友有帮助-Server Operation White Paper aims to engage the server aspects of the work of friends to help
- BPEL:全称为Business Process Execution Language,即业务流程执行语言,是一种使用XML编写的编程语言。用于自动化业务流程,也曾经被称作WSBPEL和 BPEL4WS。广泛使用于Web服务相关的项目开发中,优点为具有可移植性和有效保护了投资。 -The goal of the BPEL Project is to add comprehensive support to Eclipse for the definition, authoring, edit
- 该文档的目的是总结我们在工作中的一些经验,并把它们分享给喜欢ARM和Linux的朋友, 如有错误 之处,请大家多多指点. 同样, 我们也希望更多人能把自己的工作经验和体会加入该文档,让大家共同进步.该文档是一份交流性文档, 供个人学习与交流-The document aims to summarize the work of some of our experiences and share them like ARM and Linux friends, if any mistakes,
- 《NeonEdit2006》是《霓虹灯演示及编程软件2.0》的升级版本,在系统编程上增加了部分功能按钮、以及在区域操作上增加了块的操作、同时在霓虹灯的渐变编程上做了大量改进,旨在提高霓虹灯编程者的效率和程序的准确性。本教程系统的介绍了软件的使用方法及技巧,使初学者能快速的利用该软件进行编程-" NeonEdit2006" is the " neon presentation and programming software 2.0" upgrade versi