- 地质统计学代码。适合所有地质和地球科学人员使用。内有帮助文档。在linux和windows下均可使用.-geostatistics code. Suitable for all geological and earth science use. There are help files. Linux and windows in the next available.
- 详细介绍了德州仪器触摸屏tsc2007在linux下驱动的编写,tsc2007用的是I2C接口,经测试可靠稳定,写linux下驱动的朋友们可以参考,强力推荐!!,Texas Instruments introduced in detail in the linux touch screen tsc2007 the preparation of the next drive, tsc2007 using the I2C interface, have been tested and reliabl
- 基于QT2.2,可以实现时间以及日期的显示,读取U盘里的歌曲及实现播放、上一曲、下一曲的切换,自选音乐闹钟功能。-Based on QT2.2, can display time and date, read U disk where the songs and for playing, on the one, the next one switch, on-demand music alarm clock function.
- devkit8000,添加了2个WIFI 的驱动RT3070 RTL8187的所有烧制文件,进去之后进LIB里面去安装。自己连接下路由器就可以了-devkit8000, added 2 driver RT3070 RTL8187 WIFI all burn files, go into the LIB to go inside after the installation. Their next router can connect a
- 实现ntpclient的源代码,linux下可直接make运行。-Source code to achieve ntpclient, linux can be directly make the next run.
- flash 烧写源代码 有需要的快点下!-flash Shaoxie source code there is a need to hurry up next!
- QT下几个非常有用的例子,学习Qt的人可以下载-QT is very useful for the next several examples of people can download to learn to see Qt
- 使用cgi实现文件的上传,是经过修改和完善的,需要的下。-Realize the use of cgi file upload is the result of the revision and perfection of their own, and the next required.
- USB转RS232串口驱动文件(注意:这是linux平台下),需要的请下。-USB-RS232 serial port driver files (Note: This is the linux platform), need to call on the next.
- Qt 电子相册 自动播放,上一张,下一张,放大,缩小,打开图片,退出,停止自动播放等功能-Qt last photo,next photo,zoomOut ,zoomIn,select local photoes,quit
- 叠前地震偏移成像的c程序,su里的源代码。找出来和大家分享下。好东西-Pre-stack seismic migration imaging of c programs, su inside the source code. Find out and share with you the next. Good stuff
- QT4.5开发环境中编写的一个用来测试软键盘的程序。有两个LineEdit控件,一个旁边有一个按钮,点击按钮,自动弹出软键盘,输入后的数字直接显示在lineEdit1中,另一个实现,鼠标双击lineEdit控件,就自动弹出软键盘。该程序主要用在开发板程序开发过程中,因为有些开发板的环境下没有软键盘,没法输入数字,所以用这个测试程序中的方法可以直接在你需要弹出软键盘的地方,让它自动弹出软键盘,方便输入。-QT4.5 development environment used to test the
- Linux或Unix下的播放器Mplayer,可以支持多种音频文件格式的播放,是Linux或Unix下的必备工具-Under Linux or Unix player Mplayer, can support a variety of audio file format playback, Linux or Unix is an indispensable tool for the next
- 换行符转换,在linux下编辑过的文本经该程序转换可以在windows下查看而不出现黑块,也可以转回来-Convert line breaks in the next linux text edited by the program can convert windows to view instead of black block, you can switch back
- 红帽版linux下串口通讯kermit文件传输协议简单版源码.想学习kermit的可以看看,里面关于状态机用的比较精彩.先解压成rpm,再在linux下解压.-Red Hat linux version of serial communication under the kermit file transfer protocol simple version of source code. Want to learn kermit can take a look at, which on the
- linux下一个源码整理工具包,用linux的可以试试,看源码时有时比较痛苦的.-Finishing the next linux-source toolkit can try to use linux to see when the source sometimes painful.
- 一个内存调试工具,给需要的coder 喜欢就下-A memory debugging tools, to the need coder like on the next
- 达内IT培训Unix C++第二天源码 是入门Unix 下C++编程的好东西-Within the IT training Tatsu Unix C++ The next day under the Unix source code is the entry-C++ Programming good things
- ccs下对dm6446的测试程序,能够检测ddr,nandflash,uart,usb等硬件电路的裸板测试代码,包含库文件,板级gel文件,开发环境在TI ccs3.3下。-ccs on DM6446 testing procedures can detect ddr, nandflash, uart, usb hardware such as the bare circuit board to test the code, including library files, board-leve
- 在linux下的网络嗅探器 使用的是GTK2.0+GLADE做的前台 具体的后台是ANSI C 编译器 G-At the next linux network sniffer is used to do the GTK2.0+ GLADE Backgrounds are Front Desk specific ANSI C Compiler GCC