- Cyclone是基于gtk 开发的,目的是给一些没法享受到lumaqq和eva强大功能的老爷机一个新的选择,本身基于gtkmm开发,需要gtkmm库的支持 -Cyclone is based on gtk development, purpose is not to enjoy some lumaqq and eva powerful bureaucratic machine function in a new choice, gtkmm itself on development, th
- 如果你对linux内核编程感兴趣的话就来吧, 这本书是你最佳的选择! 取之于网, 用之于网, 于你分享!-if you linux kernel programming interested in the case of Barber, this book is your best choice! Taken from the net benefit of network, you have to share!
- 用QT开发的一个视频监控程序,对想了解QT和Linux的朋友是个不错的选择.,Use QT to develop a video surveillance program, the QT and Linux would like to know a friend is a good choice.
- mingui包含了fbcon和qvfb两种图形引擎,经过实践,选择qvfb比较好,所以之前要安装qvfb-1.0,最好在安装qvfb-1.0前,安装qt3.0版本以上,否则在以后的编译中可能会出现问题-fbcon and mingui contains two qvfb graphics engine, after practice, qvfb better choice, so before you want to install qvfb-1.0, preferably qvfb-1.0 p
- GTK编程,入门学习,不错的选择,从最基本的开始讲起,还要实例分析。-GTK programming, Introduction to learning, a good choice, from the beginning of talking about the most basic, but also examples of analysis.
- Linux Newbie Administrator Guide - We are relative Linux newbies (with Linux since Summer 1998). We run mostly RedHat and Mandrake -> the solutions might not be directly applicable to other Linux distributions (although most of them probabl
- qt制作的中文仓节键盘,使用图片制作,在查找中文时可以有多个中文出现,供选择,点击即可发送中文。-qt section produced by the Chinese position the keyboard, the use of picture production, the Chinese may be looking for a number of Chinese there, for the choice, click to send the Chinese.
- qt制作的手写键盘程序,使用图片制作,两边手写,写下字即可得到供选择的字,然后点击发送字。-qt handwriting produced by the keyboard, the use of picture production, on both sides of the handwriting, the words can be written for the choice of the word, and then click to send word.
- Linux功能主文件本实验并没有进入系统空间对实际进程页面进行控制,而是在用户空间用线性表的连续存储方式对进程页面交换进行模拟。 -rintf("Select the arithmetic:\n(1)LRU\n(2)FIFO\nyour choice is:")
- 关于linux编程入门的极好材料,它的覆盖面也非常的广,是一本权威书籍-It s a very good choice for you to start linux programming
- 如果希望能在短时间里对linux有个全面的理解,并且希望能迅速掌握LInux基本功能,那这本书将是相当不错的选择:Linux零基础初级教程.pdf-If you want to be able to right in a short time have a comprehensive understanding of linux and would like to be able to quickly master the basic functions of LInux, then this
- blob 最精简的bootloader,入门者的首选-blob with the most precise bootloader, first choice for beginners
- utelnetd-0.1.9.tar.gz 源码,可以直接使用,无需inetd服务,直接可以开启telnet服务,是学习和嵌入式移植的好选择-utelnetd-0.1.9.tar.gz source code can be used directly, without inetd service, you can directly open the telnet service is to learn and a good choice for embedded portable
- 本书对 Linux 早期操作系统内核(v0.11)全部代码文件进行了详细全面的注释和说明,旨在使读者能够在尽量短的时间内对 Linux的工作机理获得全面而深刻的理解,为进一步学习和研究 Linux系统打下坚实的基础。虽然所选择的版本较低,但该内核已能够正常编译运行,其中已经包括了 LINUX 工作原理的精髓,通过阅读其源代码能快速地完全理解内核的运作机制。书中首先以 Linux源代码版本的变迁历史为主线,详细介绍了 Linux系统的发展历史,着重说明了各个内核版本之间的重要区别和改进方面
- Linux下的C编程,入门的首要选择。慢慢的进入编程的乐趣。-C programming under Linux, the first choice of entry. Slowly into the fun of programming.
- Linux的命令非常非常的齐全,对于初学者来说,里面有各种命令,真的是不错的选择。-Linux commands are very complete, for beginners, there are a variety of command, is really a good choice.
- Linux内核源代码,0.11版的,是你学习LIUNX的不错选择-Linux kernel source code, version 0.11 is a good choice you learn LIUNX
- 详细地介绍了linux内核的运作原理,是初学者不可多得的首选资料-Detailed descr iption of the operating principles of linux kernel is a rare choice for information for beginners
- FFmpeg是一个开源免费跨平台的视频和音频流方案,属于自由软件,采用LGPL或GPL许可证(依据你选择的组件)。它提供了录制、转换以及流化音视频的完整解决方案。它包含了非常先进的音频/视频编解码库libavcodec,为了保证高可移植性和编解码质量,libavcodec里很多codec都是从头开发的。现在这个解码库是绝大多数linux,windows下的万能播放器,比如暴风影音,QQ播放器,迅雷看看,kmplayer,格式工厂,优酷,土豆加速下载工具等知名软件的解码核心,值得你一读再读的好代码
- WB-AMR VMR-WB 是新型可变速率多模式宽带语音编解码器,专为无线 CDMA 2000标准而设计,目的在于在 50 至 7000 HZ 的频带上进行语音编码,采样率为 16 KHZ。VMR-WB 基于 3GPP AMR-WB (G722.2) 编解码器,在每秒速率12.65 Kbit 上可实现互操作。 VMR-WB 工作模式有四种,具体选择哪种应视网络的流量情况而定。前三种模式专门针对 CDMA 系统,而第四种模式为 AMR-WB 互操作性模式。 VMR-WB 与 AMR-WB