- 一个利用OTL编写的数据库编程访问接口类,里边封装了支持8字节长整数的操作(使用时需要选择相应的平台宏开关),为利用OTL编写跨平台跨数据库的朋友提供帮助-use of a database prepared by the QTL visit Programming Interface category, Packaging support inside the 8 byte long integer operations (need to use the selection of platfo
- 一个四位数码管循环显示0-9999并且在整数时让蜂鸣器响起来的程序,在keil上编译,下载到51单片机上,连好电路后即可运行。-A four digital tube cyclic display 0-9999 in integer and let a buzzer sounded program, compiled in keil, download to 51 single-chip microcomputer, even after good circuit can operate.
- 用c语言实现大整数加减乘除, 求余, 最小公倍数等计算-C language implementation with large integer addition and subtraction multiplication and division, remainder, least common multiple and other computing
- 用多进程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 设计目的:通过研究Linux 的进程机制和信号量实现生产者消费者问题的并发控制. 说明:有界缓冲区内设有20个存储单元,放入/取出的数据项设定为1-20这20个整型数. 设计要求:(1)每个生产者和消费者对有界缓冲区进行操作后,即时显示有界缓冲区的全部内容,当前指针位置和生产者/消费者县城的标识符.(2)生产者和消费者各有两个以上.(3)多个生产者或多个消费者之间须有共享对缓冲区进行操作的函数代码.-Synchronous multi-process so
- 创建两个生产者进程和两个消费者进程,生产者进程a需要生成10000个整数,每次都将自己的进程号(用getpid()函数获得)和生成的整数放入共享内存中(共享内存大小为64Byte)。生产者b每次从26个英文字母中选一个,并将自己的进程号和选中的字母放入共享内存中,直到26个字母全部都选中。消费者进程c负责从共享内存中读取数据生产者进程a的数据并且将这些数据写入文件a.out。消费者进程d从共享内存读取进程b的数据后写入b.out中。-The process of the creation of
- 1。创建一共享内存。a进程对共享内存中的某个整型不断加一,另外个进程对他进行减一操作,要求信号量同步。-1. The creation of one shared memory. a process of shared memory in a continuous integer-plus-one, while a process carried out by one of his operations, requested semaphore synchronization.
- 大的整数运算,比浮点运算所看奥的有效数字多了很多 ,支持1000位,还可更多!-Large integer operations than floating-point operations by the effective figure Austrian watch a lot of many to support the 1000, but also more!
- The source code for the program is offered under the GNU General Public License. Please feel free to download the code, read it, modify it, compile it and run it locally. -Parameter definitions: use_naca: logical, true if we want to ge
- 两个涵数,可以判断字符串是否是整数,或浮点数.-determine whether the string is an integer or floating-point numbers.
- 基于ARM9的Linux多线程应用程序。生产者写入缓冲区和消费者从缓冲区读数的具体流程,生产者首先获得互斥锁,并且判断写指针+1后是否等于读指针,如果相等则进入等待状态,等候条件变量notfull;如果不等则向缓冲区中写入一个整数,并且设置条件变量为notempty,最后释放互斥锁。消费者线程与生产者线程类似。-ARM9-Linux-based multi-threaded applications. Producers and consumers into a buffer from the
- Problem Statement: Given an ordered array A[1, n] of n ≥ 1 integers with A[1] ≤ A[2] ≤ · · · ≤ A[n], and an integer x the problem is to determine integer i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, such that 1) 1 ≤ i ≤ n and i is the largest index such that x ≥ A[i], and
- 分析linux中/proc的文件的文件 分abcd四个部分 参数 -a -b -c -d -5/10/15 -整数n(间隔n秒显示)-Analysis of linux in the/proc file the document of the four parts abcd parameters: -a -b -c -d-5/10/15- integer n (n interval seconds display)
- lindo使用教程,第一节 简介与安装 第二节 用LINDO求解线性规划 (LP) 问题 第三节 用LINDO求解整数规划(IP) 和二次规划(QP) 问题 第四节 GINO简介 第五节 LINGO简介 -lindo Tutorial, Section I Introduction Section II with the installation of linear programming with LINDO (LP) problem of Sec
- 一个简单的数列加法程序,在遇到十的整数倍时打印输出-A simple series addition process, in the face of an integer multiple of ten print output
- 素数分解:、在许多情况下,知道一个数是素数还不够,还需要知道它的约数。每个大于1的正整数都能表示为素数的乘积。这个因数分解是唯一的,被称为素数分解(prime factorization)。例如60可以分解为2x2x3x5,其中每个约数都是素数。注意,同一个素数在因数分解中可以出现多次。 -Prime decomposition: in many cases, know that a number is prime is not enough, it also needs to know a
- Qt实现整数的四则运算功能的程序,主要用到下拉框控件完成-Qt implement integer arithmetic function program, mainly used to complete the drop-down box control
- This code is in linux and mpi is one of linux library ,I wrote it in C++ and this code can sort more than one milion integer inputs and when we want to compile and run this code if we wrote the number cores that there are in our system,this code able
- This code has written in linux and c++ program language .We can sort by this code more than one million integer inputs .In this code I determine the number of threads be four but if we have enough cores we can change the number of threads and we can
- Qt 4.8.1写的科学计算器。实现功能: 平方、幂计算、整型进制转换等。不使用科学计数法显示结果。-Scientific calculator in Qt 4.8.1. Function: square, exponentiation, integer hex conversion. Do not use scientific notation to display the results.
- Signed 32-bit integer