- 文件系统全家福 AddadString Dir 快速全盘查找文件 Dir和Api扫描驱动器 Exe伪装天使 FreeActiveX Shell获取特殊文件 安全的删除自己 比较两个文件是否相同 查找目录全部文件大小 查找文件 从全路径名中获得文件扩展名 从全路径名中提取文件名 二进制复制文件 获取当前目录下所有文件和文件夹 记载Windows使用的时间 检测文件是否存在 建立多级目录 将文件夹目录保存到INI文件当中
- 1) A Probability Path by Sidney I. Resnick 2) Adventures in Stochastic Processes by Sidney I. Resnick 3) Probability and Measure by Patrick Billingsley 4) Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers by Henry Stark and John W. Wo
- Substitution ciphers are probably the most common form of cipher. They work by replacing each letter of the plaintext (and sometimes puntuation marks and spaces) with another letter (or possibly even a random symbol). A monoalphabetic substituti