- 修正了原CMd5类的CaculateStr函数的严重错误,并且转到新的C++类库。此类已经经过验证,文件和字符串均能得到正确结果,支持Unicode(Unicode时不需要转换)-amendment of the original CMd5 CaculateStr function of the type of serious errors and to the new C Class. Such has been validated, documents, and the string to
- key.txt存放密钥,密钥只能为数字,text存放明文。 只对明文中的“数字”、“英文大小写”加密,空格或其它中文字符等不予理睬。 加密方法: 明文分组与密钥对应字符相加取模,十个数字为一个循环,26个英文大小写也各为一个循环。 例: 密钥为: 012 明文为: Microsoft VC++ 6.0 密文则为:Mjerpuogv VD++ 8.0 加密结果: 将密文生成到result.txt中,手动删除最后的占位符\"
Arnold-and-FanArnold 这是Arnold变换 and 反变换的源代码
- 这是Arnold变换 and 反变换的源代码.算法是经过改正的,运行可靠。在图像处理过程中用于图像预处理。-This is the Arnold transform and inverse transform of the source code. Algorithm is the result of correct and reliable operation. In the image processing for image preprocessing.
- AES128bit加密算法。在PDF文档中有详细算法描述。程序打印出的内容为验证结果。对应文档中的33-34页最左侧的结果。不清楚的朋友可以给我发EMAIL.,AES128bit encryption algorithm. Has the detailed algorithm descr iption in the PDF documents. The procedure prints content for confirmation result. In corresponding docum
- 一直对封包加密感到比较困惑,最近为了学习方法,特意跟了下某游戏的封包加密方式 游戏封包是经过一级加密,二级加密的方式,一级还没去研究,二级基本上原理上已还原出来 -Encryption of packets have been feeling more confused, the recent order learning methods, specifically a game with the next game packet encryption method is the res
- 一个命令行下的MD5校验工具 ,用法:MD5AV [-c] [-f<FolderName>] [-h] [-n<FileName>] [-o<OutputFolder>] [-r] [-v] [-x<FolderName]-MD5ArchiveValidator (MD5AV) is a utility to confirm the accurate storage of files through MD5 Checksums. For each fil
- 能够对文本文件进行加密,解密, 由于时间关系,对中文问题还没有 解决,- Can carry on the encryption to the text documents, the decipher, as a result of the time relations, has not solved to Chinese question,
- (繁体中文版)台湾出品不得多得的关于spa dpa 旁道攻击rsa算法的精彩论文。相对国内的一些翻译性质的、粗制滥造的论文,简直是一个天上一个地下。-As information technology has developed rapidly, it provides more convenient life for people. As the result, the security has become the main concern. Recently, user id and pa
- DCS套装包括: 1.DCS.ec ‘ DCS支持模块,目前仅提供两条命令:MD5和文件体积 2.DCS信息提取器 ’专为DCS版本打造。提取需要信息方便DCS使用。随DCS更新而更新 3.Example目录 ‘DCS使用方法演示 DCS总体模块体积:104KB. 由于支持斩月。所以这个体积不成问题哈! -DCS package includes: 1.DCS.ec ' DCS support modules, currently only available
- 这么个思路:首先通过提取系统时间和运行时间作为加密算式的动态参数进行文件加密,然后将这些参数以及密码和是否加密的标志加密加载到文件中(不然就解密不了文件了),最后在解密的话,就是通过一定得方法提取这些参数,将其解密。 由于这些参数是动态变化的,所以每次对同一个文件进行加密后的结果都是不一样的,这样的话对于破解者来说就没有规律可循了。 这种加密法就是一个对称密码,很难用穷举法破解(虽然我没有试过),但是跟金老师上课讲的那些对称密码像DES,是没的比的,那些事可以公开算法的,而这个算法
- 由于本人水平有限上传一个简单的MD5加密算法工具,希望大家喜欢,哈哈,。。。。各位见笑了,初学-From my limited as a result of a simple tool for MD5 encryption algorithm, I hope you like it, ha ha,. . . . You a laughing stock, and learning
- To attempted to do a different approach in encrypting a string. This is the result, it shows a different Result, depending on the size of the string and a random number. To Save it you can use: Open "file.bin" for binary as #1 put #1,, PasSav Close #
- ieee一种基于混沌的新加密方法An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Map - In this paper, a novel block digital image encryp- tion scheme based on a chaotic coupled map lattices (CML) is reported. Within this scheme, an original image is decomp
- 方便适用的注册码与注册机应用。获取客户机硬盘的物理编号作为序列号,结果SHA1等加密算法,算出对应的注册码。-Facilitate the application of the applicable License and RI. Access to the client hard drive serial number of the physical numbers as a result, such as SHA1 encryption algorithm, calculate the co
- 带密钥的md5算法库md5lib.h共有下列函数: char* MDString (char *) /*输入任意一个字符串,经过md5算法处理后,返回结果:一个定长(32个字符) 字符串 */ char* MDFile (char *) /*输入任意一个文件名,文件内容经过md5算法处理后,返回结果:一个定长 (32个字符)字符串 */ char* hmac_md5(char* text, char* key) /*输入任意一个字符串text,和一个用
- 分析RSA算法的应用现状,论证文件加密应用RSA算法的可行性和意义。设计一套完整实用的RSA文件加密解决方案,具体编码实现。对RSA算法进行研究,从常规RSA算法出发,用C++实现RSA加密算法类库,并在32位windows平台封装成组件。在.Net平台引用此组件,实现可以对任意文件进行RSA加密操作的窗体应用程序。经过加密的文件以及密钥文件都是文本文件。给出关键类类图、整个应用程序的结构描述文档、关键模块流程图、较详细的接口文档、所有源代码。对应用程序进行测试,对测试结果进行分析研究,进而对应
- This white paper aims at briefly describing the technologies currently used in filter design in Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). We will consider the advantages and drawbacks of using signature filters versus anomaly filters, an
- A taxonomy was developed by Axelsson to define the space of intrusion detection technology and classify IDSs. The taxonomy categorizes IDSs by their detection principle and their operational aspects. The two main categories of detection principle
- 能在指定文件夹中搜索rar文件,并判断其是否加密,将结果保存在result.txt中 只是测试写的程序,效率不高-Specify the folder in rar file search and determine whether encryption, the result is stored in the result.txt in the written test procedures, efficiency is not high
- MD5算法的实现以及分析,主循环有四轮(MD4只有三轮),每轮循环都很相似。第一轮进行16次操作。每次操作对a、b、c和d中的其中三个作一次非线性函数运算,然后将所得结果加上第四个变量,文本的一个子分组和一个常数。再将所得结果向右环移一个不定的数,并加上a、b、c或d中之一。最后用该结果取代a、b、c或d中之一。-MD5 algorithm implementation and analysis, the main loop there are four rounds (MD4 only thr