- 对文件进行加密,上传的文件没有密码。无病毒-Encryption of files, uploaded files, no password. No virus
- 感谢您选择龙脉科技加密产品!本文档帮助您快速完成加密保护工作。 以下建议旨在帮助您快速开展后面的工作: 1请认真阅读密码单中重要信息。 2将锁插入USB接口中,待指示灯点亮后继续下面的步骤。 3请在sample目录中找到您熟悉的开发语言或环境的例子,运行例程,参考这些例程了解加密锁API的使用方法。 4参考过程中,如果遇到陌生的概念或参数,请在help目录中查看帮助文档。 5熟悉了API的使用方法之后,在tools目录下运行设号工具,设置锁的相关 参数,请牢记超级密码
- rc4 RC4 was initially a trade secret, but in September 1994 a descr iption of it was anonymously posted to the Cypherpunks mailing list[3]. It was soon posted on the sci.crypt newsgroup, and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leaked code
- cr4-dotnet RC4 was initially a trade secret, but in September 1994 a descr iption of it was anonymously posted to the Cypherpunks mailing list[3]. It was soon posted on the sci.crypt newsgroup, and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leak
- How to make a very basic captcha image and validate the form input to make sure the code matches. Does not use sessions of any sort. The image also just uses the built in PHP fonts so no need to load font files. I also put three random lines in the
- 基于Kasumi的f8算法实现,其中有Kasumi完整算法代码,但无main函数-The f8 algorithm based on Kasumi, including Kasumi complete algorithm code, but no main function
- 设置RSA结构中的method,当用户实现了一个RSA_METHOD时,调用此函数来设置,使RSA运算采用用户的方法。-very good you could make it,please hit it,you have no problem ,Are you ok? maybe we could mak it later.
- Haffman code. coding text message into binary code. No decoding. C-Haffman code. coding text message into binary code. No decoding. C++
- decodifica ht6p20b no arduino.Nã o esta funcionando totalmente, serve para entender a logica
- hill algorythm example. Just coding and no decoding.Not mine, just was a little bit changed.
- mMD5.c * example for illustrating how to open a file from MATLAB * and perform an MD5 checksum. * * takes a file name and no return values. Matlab6p5 version and VC6++ * Reference: MD5 in C by Tian-tai Huynh
- 随着网络带宽和计算机处理能力的高速增长, 数字 图像在当今社会的各个领域被广泛使用. 由于网络的开 放性, 涉及国家安全、商业利益和个人隐私的图像需要 进行加密, 以保护其安全. 将传统的加密标准, 如IDEA 和AES 直接应用到图像的加密上存在一定的缺陷. 因 为传统的加密算法主要为一维的数据流设计, 没有考虑 二维图像的特性, 如空间有序性、视觉冗余性、相关性等 等. 这使得传统加密算法在加密数据量较大的图像时要 耗费较长的时间. 与一般的二进制数据不同
- 序列密码也称为流密码(Stream Cipher),它是对称密码算法的一种。序列密码具有实现简单、便于硬件实施、加解密处理速度快、没有或只有有限的错误传播等特点,因此在实际应用中,特别是专用或机密机构中保持着优势,典型的应用领域包括无线通信、外交通信。若能以一种方式产生一随机序列(密钥流),这一序列由密钥所确定,则利用这样的序列就可以进行加密,即将密钥、明文表示成连续的符号或二进制,对应地进行加密。-Stream cipher is also known as Stream Cipher (St
- It is encryption and decryption utility hich Works according to the "key" you choose. Once you Encrypted the Message you can send it to your friends, classmates to which you can give the key. And on their side they can Decrypt the message by the key
- ROCKEY5的使用说明书,对于买到加密锁的人可以参考说明书进行使用。对外没哦!-ROCKEY5 the use of brochures, to buy the encryption lock can reference the instructions for use. Foreign no oh!
- 8B_10B译码程序已通过验证,程序波形与输出没有问题-8B_10B decoding program has been validated, the program is no problem with the output waveform
- keygen harddisk serial no
- DES加密源代码,用3DES加密算法。加密强度高,到目前为止,还无人能够破解!-DES encryption source code, using 3DES encryption algorithm. Encryption strength, so far, no one can break!
- 可以加密你随身带的U盘,让你财不外露.你绝对可以拥有的,亲测可用-U disk encryption you can carry on, let you no financial exposure
- 维吉尼亚加密算法的C语言实现,使用的时候在控制台下运行,使用最简单的编译器直接编译,不需要创建工程。-Virginia encryption algorithm in C language, use the time to run in the console, using the most simple compiler compiler directly, no need to create the project.