- s3c2410 直流电机控制实验,ARM A9开发-s3c2410 DC motor control experiment, ARM A9 development
- qwt驱动库引擎最新版 -the latest version of the qwt qwt driver of the latest version of database engine driver database engine
- The dynamic version of translation is used a free translation, dictionary, in a scene. Professional off-line dictionary and offline translation engine let you whenever and wherever possible for local search words and translation. The utility model co
- 目前一个正在开发的ODE引擎商业项目源码,上传上来供大家参考。严谨商用,请勿外传!-Currently an ODE engine being developed commercial project source code, upload up for your reference. Rigorous commercial, not rumors!
- 自己开发的一款指纹识别引擎,目前已在产品中商业应用,请勿外传,严禁用于商业目的。谢谢合作。-Own development of a fingerprint recognition engine, has commercial applications in the product, not rumors, is prohibited for commercial purposes. Thank you. Hehe
- 点石排名同时支持百度、搜狗、360排名提升,支持自然排名前100的关键词,真人挂机互点,真实IP,有效提升网站用户体验。 优点介绍: 1、软件可永久免费使用。 2、静默操作,不影响电脑正常使用。 3、占用内存极校 4、不断根据搜索引擎最新算法更新点击规则。 5、使用所有挂机用户真实IP点击,效果更佳! -Stone ranked at the same time support baidu, sogou, 360 ranking asc
- mini搜索引擎,载入50个文本文件,然后通过输入关键词来计算词出现的次数-we will design and implement a mini search engine that is used to search through a set of 50 documents and a set of sample queries. The data structures used for storing is vector and array. The algorithm in this
- Node.js NPM package for rendering beautiful emails with your template engine and CSS pre-processor of choice coupled with email-friendly inline CSS using juice.
- 本程序为手机视频网站微录客采集程序。 占用空间小,建站成本低,无需等待,马上就可以拥有海量网站数据; 免更新免维护,管理方便,操作简单,实现全站后台管理的全自动采集; 实现内容页URL路径伪静态功能,让各大搜索引擎收录更加友好;-This program for mobile video site micro record collection procedures. Small footprint, low cost, no need to wait, you can have
- iNethinkCMS基于.NET2.0 C#分层开发,是一款精致小巧、开源、免费的新闻信息管理系统。创新的模板引擎(类标签式)、插件扩展技术,可以适应各类的网站开发需要。 缓存技术: 无需为网站访问速度感到担心,iNethinkCMS的精细化缓存技术,可使访问速度媲美静态页面。系统将模板页面与实际页面的缓存进行区别化对待,同时细致归纳两者的统一性,构建出基于服务器Cache的缓存。在保证服务器效能的情况下,访问者将获得更快的响应速度。-INethinkCMS.NET2.0 C# bas
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- 搜易站内搜索引擎(SearchEasy Site Search Engine)是面向互联网网站的站内搜索解决方案,其针对网站使用数据库搜索性能差,体验差等问题,将搜索引擎技术应用于站内搜索-The search engine is easy for Internet search solutions, the website using the search problem of poor performance, poor experience, the search engine tech
- STM32功能引擎驱动说明,介绍了STM32的驱动模板使用,以及STM32使用,驱动中对不同功能模块驱动进行说明-STM32 function engine driver descr iption, describes the use of STM32 driver templates, as well as the use of STM32, the driver of the different functional modules to explain
- The nRF24L01+ is a single chip 2.4GHz transceiver with an embedded baseband protocol engine (Enhanced ShockBurst™), suitable for ultra low power wireless applications. The nRF24L01+ is designed for operation in the world wide ISM frequency band at