- This matlab code is highly be used for wireless sensor network for routing purpose.-This matlab code is highly be used for wireless sensor network for routing purpose.
- 无线应用协议(Wireless Application Protocol,WA P)是WAP论坛经过不断努力得到的成果,它提供了一个业界技术规范,以便开发出适用于各种无线通信网络的应用程序和业务。 WAP规定了适用于多种无线设备的网络协议和应用程序框架,这些设备包括移动电话、寻呼机、个人数字助理( P D A)等。这个规范不但扩充了移动组网技术(如数字数据组网标准)和I n t e r n e t技术(如X M L,U R L,脚本和各种各样的内容格式) ,而且还将推动他们的发展。 -W
- 为了开发出适用于各种无线通信网络的应用和业务,人们通过不断的努力,制定了一个业界的技术标准和规范,这就是无线应用协议 [ WAP ]。无线应用环境(Wireless ApplicationE n v i r o n m e n t,WA E)是WAP协议的一部分,它定义了各种无线终端,诸如移动电话、寻呼机和个人数字助理(P D A)上使用的应用结构。 -Developed in order to apply to a variety of wireless communication net
- R. Lin and A.P. Petropulu, 揂 New Wireless Medium Access Protocol Based On Cooperation,擨EEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 4675-4684, December 2005. (MATLAB code).
- Android的Radio Interface Layer (RIL)提供了电话服务和的radio硬件之间的抽象层。Radio Interface Layer RIL(Radio Interface Layer)负责数据的可靠传输、AT命令的发送以及response的解析。应用处理器通过AT命令集与带GPRS功能的无线通讯模块通信。AT command由Hayes公司发明,是一个调制解调器制造商采用的一个调制解调器命令语言,每条命令以字母"AT"开头。-Android' s Radio I
- Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
- Wireless Game Development in Java with MIDP 2.0.chm
- As a multi-carrier modulation scheme, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique can achieve high data rate in frequency-selective fading channels by splitting a broadband signal into a number of narrowband signals over a number
- 此文件是通信建模与仿真的matlab程序。 现代通信系统仿真的必要性(仿真的动机) 仿真是深入理解系统特性的强有力工具 解析方法分析现代通信系统比较困难 现代通信系统结构复杂 系统工作的环境复杂 通过仿真可以缩短通信产品的开发周期和上市时间 仿真能更容易和更经济地对系统进行研究,观察各种变化对系统性能的影响 现代通信系统仿真的可行性 数字计算机发展迅速、计算能力增强 计算机辅助设计和分析方法发展迅速 信号处理结构和技术原理完善 通信软件包功能强大
- very good book about MIMO
- We address the problem of downlink multiuser scheduling in practical wireless networks under a desired fairness constraint. Wireless networks such as LTE, WiMAX and WiFi provide partial channel knowledge at the base station/access point by me
- This document describes the CDMA AT command, its syntax, its responses, and result codes. It serves as the reference for wireless application development based on the CDMA modem and for its integration and testing. The intended audience is expected t