- R. Lin and A.P. Petropulu, 揂 New Wireless Medium Access Protocol Based On Cooperation,擨EEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 4675-4684, December 2005. (MATLAB code).
- As a multi-carrier modulation scheme, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique can achieve high data rate in frequency-selective fading channels by splitting a broadband signal into a number of narrowband signals over a number
- We address the problem of downlink multiuser scheduling in practical wireless networks under a desired fairness constraint. Wireless networks such as LTE, WiMAX and WiFi provide partial channel knowledge at the base station/access point by me
- This document describes the CDMA AT command, its syntax, its responses, and result codes. It serves as the reference for wireless application development based on the CDMA modem and for its integration and testing. The intended audience is expected t