- 铁路列车车辆监控系统本系统要求PC机有两个串行通讯串口,有线MODEM一个。其它配置没有严格的要求,一般配置即可。 软件环境:操作系统为WindowsNT/WindowsXP VC++6.0 MapInfo Professional 7.0 MapX 4.5 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ,MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY
- AppWizard has created this ViewModeMDI application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. -AppWizard has created this ViewM
- Domain Name System (DNS) is the default name resolution service used in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network. DNS is part of the Windows Server 2003 TCP/IP protocol suite and all TCP/IP network connections are, by default, configured with the IP a