wap liuyanben
- 用旧的留言本自己改写的,截面更好看了,功能也更好更方便了。-old messages to their rewrite the section read better, function better and also convenient.
- WML(Wireless Markup Language - 无线标记语言)这种描述语言同我们常听说的HTML语言同出一家,都属于X ML语言这一大家族。HTML语言写出的内容,我们可以在我们的PC机上用IE或是Netscape等浏览器进行阅读,而 WML语言写出的文件则是专门用来在手机等的一些无线终端显示屏上显示,供人们阅读的,并且同样也可以向使用者提供人机交互界面,接受使用者输入的查询等信息,然后向使用者返回他所想要获得的最终信息。-WML (Wireless Markup Language
WDP protocol
- 无线方式下的数据业务打包规范,中文翻译版!手边书,非常实用!看懂此文和相关的其它规范,就能在最深层次上理解WAP PUSH、短信承载等技术的原理。-wireless data services under the packaging norms, the Chinese translation version! On hand, a very practical! Read this article and other relevant norms, we will be able to und
- Wapi学习资料,掌握API函数地程序原来说很重要,希望读对家的都有用!-Wapi learning material, grasps the API procedures originally said is very important, wish to read to the home are useful!
- WAP PUSH 的技术细节。想通过短信发送WAP PUSH的开发者必读。-WAP PUSH the technical details. Want to send a WAP PUSH SMS developers must-read.
- YaBB (Yet another Bulletin Board) is the original FREE, open-source, downloadable Perl forum! While chat programs allow people to talk directly, you must be logged into a chat room nearly 24/7 to please everyone. With forum software like YaBB, yo
- 读写68013的程序,进行ram缓存操作,很具有参考价值,希望有用-Read 68,013 procedures, ram cache operation, it is very valuable, useful