- htk的第三章例题的源代码,按照htkbook做就可以了,很快就会熟悉 htk的-HTK example of the third chapter of the source code, according to htkbook can do it, will soon be familiar with the HTK
- 1. 对给定语料估计其基音周期。 要求用MATLAB语言实现有关基音检测算法,并给出检测结果。2. 实验语料:aoYiSheng.raw 发音:“茅以升”;时长0.9s;采样率:8kHz;量化精度为16bits/sample;数据格式 LSB,MSB分析帧长:20ms(160样点)总帧数:45-1. Corpus right to set its estimated Pitch. Asked to use MATLAB the pitch detection algorithm, and
- The files in this directory comprise ANSI-C language reference implementations of the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) G.711, G.721 and G.723 voice compressions. They have been tested on Sun SPARCstations and
- DTMF 编解码器在编码时将击键或数字信息转换成双音信号并发送,解码时在收到的DTMF 信号中检测击键或数字信息的存在性.采用ccs2.2开发。运行在DES5410APP-U开发版上。 子程序_start_ac01,完成AD 及DSP 的多通道缓冲串口(McBSP)初始化。 子程序_iir_to_dtmf,通过由函数set_freq_coff()初始化的系数,分别迭代运算产生行 频和列频,该子程序计算出的两个频率信号样本值分别放入累加器a 和b,相加之 后作为新的一个音频样本发送
- G.711使用64Kbps的带宽,可将14bits转换成8bits。目前G.711有两个编码方式,A-law以及Mu-law。-G.711 defines two main compression algorithms, the µ -law algorithm (used in North America & Japan) and A-law algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world). Both are logarith
- 在GUI界面上,实现语音读取,描绘时域波形和频域波形,并进行采样和冲采样,最后进行非均匀量化(13折线)!-GUI interface, voice read, depicting the time-domain waveform and frequency domain waveforms, and sampling and washed samples, the final non-uniform quantization broken line (13)