- Methods void close() int read() reads and returns a chracter. int read(char[] characterArray) populates an array of characters with data. boolean ready() - returns “true” if there is data available. …… -Methodsvoid close ()
- gps1_5.c begins by opening a file gpsData.txt which will save all GPS message strings in ASCII. Next, the serial port is opened using a function prototype comm_setting() which invokes functions found in the IBMCOM library. A while loop is entere
- 包括了读取GPS串口,串口读写操作,串口数据合并等串口操作实例,对于熟悉串口操作有很大帮助。-Read and Write example performs a Serial Port Read, a Serial Port Write, or a combination of these actions while setting some advanced serial features like buffer size, termination characters, and XON/XO
- 包括了读取GPS串口,串口读写操作,串口数据合并等串口操作实例,对于熟悉串口操作有很大帮助。-Read and Write example performs a Serial Port Read, a Serial Port Write, or a combination of these actions while setting some advanced serial features like buffer size, termination characters, and XON/XO
- In this project i have interfaced an GPS with AVR microcontroller, the ATtiny2313 gets the location from the GPS and display it over the LCD display. This project also have the feature of marking a place with its name. For entering the Name of the pl