- 这个程序是matlab用来来对锁相环(PLL)进行仿真的,这样的选择基于多方面的考虑-This procedure is used Matlab to the phase-locked loop (PLL) simulation, This choice is based on a number of considerations
- 这个程序是用来对nltvde进行仿真的,该思想基于多方面的考虑-This procedure is used to nltvde simulation, based on the thinking of a number of considerations
- 这个程序是用来对pllpost进行仿真的,该思想基于多方面的考虑-This procedure is used to pllpost simulation, based on the thinking of a number of considerations
- 这个程序是用来对PLLpre进行仿真的,该思想基于多方面的考虑-This procedure is used to PLLpre simulation, based on the thinking of a number of considerations
- Friedlander算法,假定服务基站的二维坐标为(0,0),基站数为4,多基站的以后上传.test是一个测试程序.-Friedlander algorithm, assuming service station-the two-dimensional coordinates (0,0). the number of four base stations, base station over the next uploads. test is a test.
- 此源碼是用來產生GPS訊號的PRN碼,32顆衛星都有, 只要鍵入你想要產生的衛星編號,就會產生。-This source is used to generate GPS signals PRN code, 32 satellites, so you simply type the number you want to have a satellite, it will produce.
- 一个简单的GPS信息解析的demo,从GPGGA信息中取除了时间、经纬度、和卫星数目,其他信息可以通过程序出相同的方法得到.-A simple GPS information parsing demo, taken from the GPGGA message in addition to time, latitude, longitude, and the number of satellites, and other information can be obtained by the sa
- 然後稍微檢查一下 tcl、tck 的版本與路徑,如果不同的話請自行將版本號改成跟目錄內的版本號一樣。 -And then check a little tcl, tck version with the path, if different to your own directory with the version number changed the version number of the same.
- 您的联系人可以拨打此号码发送传真,传真将以邮件的形式保存在您信箱的收件箱中,未存储到收件箱的传真可点击“查询传真”按钮查看。-Your contacts can call this number to send fax, fax mail will be saved in your mail inbox, not stored in the fax inbox click on the
- GPS 接收程序 DEMO。 HsGpsDll Library 1.1 A GPS Control/Component for C/C++ HsGpsDll is a Windows Dynamic Link Library which provides access to any NMEA-183 compliant GPS receiver via a serial communications port. HsGpsDll is designed for use from
- 该程序包含一般数字PLL仿真maltab程序和数字COSTAS环程序-The program includes general digital PLL simulation procedures and the number of maltab Central procedures COSTAS
- 在dos 模式下利用COM port 的介面來讀取 GPS韌體版本並可在後面加參數去更改 COM port 的號碼-In dos mode using COM port interface to read the GPS firmware version may be behind the increase in the parameters to change COM port number
- 生成GPS中频数字信号,卫星数2,为1和11号卫星,信噪比,采样率可调,目前采样率5M,请在linux下运行,先阅读readme,按照步骤进行-IF digital signal to generate GPS satellite number 2, for 1 and 11 satellites, signal to noise ratio, adjustable sample rate, the current sampling rate 5M, please run under linux
- GPS调试程序,包含坐标转换和一些必要的功能。-GPS debugging process, including the need to coordinate transformation and a number of functions.
- 发生森林火灾时,根据提供的火灾编号,对发生火灾的某一地点进行GPS定位。-When has the forest-fire, according to fire serial number which provides, to has fire s some place to carry on the GPS localization.
- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Sat
- gps数据分析,个数,经纬度,海拔,日出日落时间等,java代码-gps data analysis, number, longitude and latitude, altitude, sunrise and sunset time, java code
- 产生GPS信号的C/A码的MATLAB程序,输入不同的卫星编号,可以获得不同的延时,是GPS编程的常用子程序。-GPS signal generated C/A code of the MATLAB program, enter a different satellite number, get a different time delay, is commonly used GPS programming subroutine.
- 用于GPS定位,载入强机动运动载体,实时进行跟踪,并显示所用定位卫星个数及编号。采用的算法参照其中的PDF文档编写,令有模糊选星法。可以显示不同选星方法的GDOP值及选星所用时间-Used for GPS positioning, strong motor moving vehicle load, real-time tracking, and display the number of satellites used for positioning and number. Algorithm
- gps解析代码逗号处理,通过逗号的个数来记录逗号后面的数据-gps comma parsing code processed by the number of commas to record the data after the comma