- abel Tool Sample Requires: Visual Basic 6 and MapObjects 2.x Data: redlands.shp (Redlands sample data set from MO 2.x) Interactive Labeling Tool If the check box is checked, then the mouse down location will search for the closest line,
- uses the message signal X to modulate the carrier frequency Fc (Hz) and sample frequency Fs (Hz), where Fs > 2*Fc. FREQDEV (Hz) is the frequency deviation of the modulated signal.
- GPS系统接收数据坐标转换 GPS接收的数据往往是三维坐标,而在科学研究中我们通常用二维坐标。因此必须 进行坐标转换,下面我们介绍一种坐标转换,即把WGS84坐标转换为高斯—克吕 格坐标系。数字地图投影的方法很多,而我国采用了高斯—克吕格投影,它是一 种横轴椭园柱面等角投影,用一个椭球柱面与地球椭球在某一子午圈L0上相切, 这条子午线通常称做投影轴子午线。也就是高斯-克吕格投影直角坐标系的x 轴, 地球的赤道与椭圆柱面相交, 成一直线,这条直线与轴子午线正交,就是平面直角
- QLandkarte - use your Garmin GPS with Linux Requirements: * > Qt 4.2.x (Qt 4.1.x will not work!) * > proj4 4.4.x * > libusb 0.1.x
- u-blox的GPS模块LEA-5x信号强度检测软件,u-blox s GPS Module LEA-5x signal strength detection software
- u-blox lea-5 系列 协议说明-u-blox lea-5 series protocol descr iption
- function [U,V,num_it]=fcm(U0,X) % MATLAB (Version 4.1) Source Code (Routine fcm was written by Richard J. % Hathaway on June 21, 1994.) The fuzzification constant % m = 2, and the stopping criterion for successive partitions is epsi
- Datum Transformations of GPS Positions
- AVSPOS extracts the available satellite position (XYZ) XYZ=avspos(X,Y,P1,P2) extracts the visible satellites, which are described in P2, from the matrix X. The output XYZ is a N-by-3*M matrix with the coordinates of the visible satellites.
- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Sat
- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix
- This the Datasheet of GPS-MS1-This is the Datasheet of GPS-MS1
- 坐标系统的介绍 1.1 WGS—84坐标系统 WGS—84坐标系是目前GPS所采用的坐标系统,是由美国国防部制图局建立,于1987年取代了当时GPS所采用的坐标系统(WGS—72坐标系统)而成为GPS目前所使用的坐标系统。 WGS—84坐标系的坐标原点位于地球的质心,Z轴指向BIHl984.0定义的协议地球极方向,X轴指向BIHl984.0的起始子午面和赤道的交点,Y轴与X轴和Z轴构成右手系。WGS—84系所采用椭球参数为:a=6378138m;f=1/298.257223563。
- 把WGS-84坐标系内的经、纬度数据换算成以米为单位的北京-54坐标,然后再进行高斯平面投影得到X、Y-Converted into WGS-84 coordinate system of longitude and latitude data in meters Beijing-54 coordinates, then the Gaussian plane projection to get X-, Y-
- A Global Positioning System (GPS) is a device that uses satellite readings to determine a receivers’s geocentric coordinates (x,y,z) that is, the coordinates relative to the center of the earth (0,0,0). These measurements are accurate to at least
- 本程序包主要有5个函数,分别实现了大地坐标与WGS84坐标的转换,卫星位置计算,电离层延迟模型,对流层延迟模型-Delay_of_ionosphere()Delay_of_troposphere( ) GetSVPos() BLH_to_WGS84( B,L,H ) WGS84_to_BLH(X,Y,Z)
- The material presented in this document has been compiled various inofficial sources. It is neither a complete nor error-free descr iption of the NMEA 0183 standard. In particular, it does not cover the new sentences and the high-speed interface
- MATLAB编写的利用导航电文计算卫星坐标(X,Y,Z)并输出到记事本中。可以读取N文件,同时可以计算坐标(MATLAB uses the navigation message to calculate the satellite coordinates (X, Y, Z) and output them to Notepad. The N file can be read and the coordinates can be calculated)