- An大多数朋友开始接触这个问题是因为 App 爆棚了,方法数超过了一个 Dex 最大方法数 65535 的上限,因而便有了插件化的概念,将一个 App 划分为多个插件(Apk 或相关格式) 常用的其他解决方法还包括:Google Multidex,用 H5 代替部分逻辑,删无用代码,买付费版的 Proguard 当插件化作用不止于此,还包括:(1) 模块解耦,(2) 动态升级,(3) 高效并行开发(编译速度更快) (4) 按需加载,内存占用更低 (
- In wireless sensor network,cluster algorithm of nodes is all effective approach and key technology to implement energy saving and flexible management.To improve security and lifetime of clustering network,a secure clustering was pro— posed based on t
- Project-wide Gradle settings. IDE (e.g. Android Studio) users: Gradle settings configured through the IDE *will override* any settings specified in this file. For more details on how to configure your build environment visit http://ww