Dragon Fire SDK
- 你想开发iPhone程序而不会obj—c?又不想学,没关系,这是一款可以在windows下用vc开发iPhone程序的第三方接口程序,昨晚以后可以直接上传到官网生成应用程序,不需要使用xcode-You want to develop iPhone apps and not obj-c? Do not want to learn, no matter what, this is a can under the windows vc development of third-party iPhon
- 你想开发iPhone程序而不会obj—c?又不想学,没关系,这是一款可以在windows下用vc开发iPhone程序的第三方接口的介绍,没有苹果机一样可以做成iPhone的软件-You want to develop iPhone apps and not obj-c? Do not want to learn, no matter what, this is a can under the windows vc development of third-party iPhone applica
- iphone 下 ffmpeg 移植过程,希望帮助大家-migration process under the ffmpeg iphone, want to help you
- objective下的qq微博登录源码,基于oauth1.0认证,希望对这方面开发的朋友能有所帮助-objective under the log source microblogging qq based oauth1.0 certification, the development of this area want to help a friend
- 一个ios下的图书管理系统。。。用到了数据库sqllite3,用到了tabelView等等.....代码规范,可供借用-Library management system under an ios. . . Use database sqllite3 used tabelView .... code specification, available for borrowing
- Dragonfire SDK - Windows下的C++语言开发iPhone应用程序的工具-Dragonfire SDK- Windows under C++ language application development tool for iPhone
- iphone下的一个多线程多任务HTTP下载的例子-iphone under a multi-threaded multi-tasking HTTP download example
- iPhone上的图片翻转程序,大家快看看吧,在sdk2.2.1下的-iPhone pictures on the flip process, we quickly take a look at it, under the sdk2.2.1
- xp系统下安装苹果操作系统的手册,本人搜集论坛整理并且亲试安装成功,大家有了这个手册就不用再看论坛了-xp installed under Mac OS system' s manual collection of forums and I try to install the pro-success, you have the manual to look at forums, Oh no
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- iphone开发下 http联网开源库,使用很方便-iphone development under the open source http network library, very easy to use
- Instapaper: You can send notes to your instapaper.com account by selecting the action button in the lower left corner on the main list page. This will bring up an action list that lets you select Instapaper which will send your note to your instapa
- 整个网络展示了IOS下的NSObject的子类和接口,可以对NSObject的关系网络有很好的了解-The entire network shows the IOS under NSObject subclasses and interfaces can have a good understanding of the network of relationships of NSObject
- 一个演示objective-c下的协议与代理的示例程序,自己写的,希望能给大家启发或者帮助-A demonstration objective-c under the agreement with the agent of the sample program, write their own, and hope that they can inspire or help
- 苹果的 iAd 移动广告系统参考手册,这种新盈利模式下的各种案例,提高你的盈利水平。-Apple' s iAd mobile advertising system reference manual, this new profit model under various cases, raise the level of your earnings.
- 最近看了几个别人写的瀑布效果源码,感觉复杂了点,于是自己通过UITableview的组合实现了下这个效果,感觉性能上应该还不错。里面用到了第三方的库(SDWebImage)和数据。-The waterfalls source recently read several written by someone else, I feel complicated point, so themselves through the UITableview combination achieved under
- 实现各种各样的图形、动画效果。例子中展现的是各种各样视图出现和消失的例子,例如视图的淡入淡出、飞进飞出等等。-FTUtils iPhone Utility Code Library =================================== The code in FTUtils is common utility code extracted from [Free Time Studios](http://www.freetimestudios.com/) iPhon
- 相当优秀的ios for sdk;可以运行在ios的移动设备上,实现iphone与iphone,iphone与ipad的通话,开放了源码,在/src文件夹下,有服务器端跟客户端的;API接口说明在/doc文件夹下,可以参考进行二次开发。支持1080P高清,P2P传输,完美兼容IOS所有平台。-Quite outstanding of ios for sdk running on ios of mobile devices to achieve iphone with iphone, iphon
- 支持从左右上下四个方向划出子视图的效果,IOS编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Support from the left upper and under the direction of four out of view effect, learning IOS programming source code, a good reference.
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