- 三维游戏VC源码- Three dimensional plays the VC source code
- Step Mania 是一个音乐/旋律的游戏。玩家及时的按不同的按钮来制造音乐同时标记滚过屏幕图案。具有3D动画特色,可视性,同时支持游戏柄/跳舞毯。一步模式及多步模式。-Step Mania is a music/melody game. Plays the family to be prompt makes the music according to the different button simultaneously to mark has rolled the screen de
- 下棋- Plays chess
- “抓住它”小遊戲,a applet that plays a game called Catch the Crearure. have the crature appear at a ramdom lacation for a random durarion. the goal is to catch the creature by pressing the moouse button while the mouce pointer is on the creature-"seize
- 一款自主开发的五子棋程序,乃无禁手算法,为本人参加校挑战杯的作品,获三等奖。该程序棋力强劲,在QQ中的战绩目前为: 积分:43 赢:44 输:27 平:2 胜率:60% 曾和网上四五款无禁手的五子棋程序对弈,十盘中一般能胜七八盘!先手基本没负过! 采用了递归算法预测下一步,不过由于是为了应付学校的挑战杯,代码写的不是很规范,递归算法也不完美,之后由于学习时间很紧张,也没时间改进,今天把源代码公布出来,和大家一起学习探讨!大家可以自由使用我的代码,不过有点要求是,如果有人对程序中
- 关于二十四点游戏的基本算法!漫长的假期对于我来说总是枯燥无味的,闲来无聊便和同学玩起童年时经常玩的二十四点牌游戏来。此游戏说来简单,就是利用加减乘除以及括号将给出的四张牌组成一个值为24的表达式。- About 24 games basic algorithms! Long vacation regarding me said always dull, 24 signs which with the schoolmate idly comes bored then to play when
VC.NET2003实现 《黑白棋》基础上实现的网络版
- 在VC.NET2003上通过,可实现网络对弈功能,在单机版上改进的.-in VC.NET2003 adopted, plays a functional network, in a stand-alone version of the improvement.
- 一个电脑和人对弈的人工智能围棋程序,棋力达16级-a computer and artificial intelligence who plays Go procedures, up to 16 chess
- 主要功能实现二人对弈,可以悔棋.没有什么复杂的算法,只做了关于走子的限制.-achieve two key functions plays, he never cheat in spain. Nothing complex algorithm, doing walk-on restrictions.
- 主要功能实现二人对弈,人机对弈,可以悔棋.其中关于人机对弈,我用了一个权值进行比较来实现,就是对双方(双二,双三,双四,冲二,冲三,冲四)(当然每种情况的分值都有悬殊)的和来比较大小,取最大的那个点,智能算中下.-achieve two main functions, plays, man-machine game, he never cheat in spain. Which players on the plane, I use the weights for a comparison to
- This a two player JAVA chess board simulator program which can be used to play chess of two human player in a single computer. It also can save your plays and has a replay option. -This a two player JAVA chess board Simula tor program which can be us
- 速算24点扑克牌游戏 给出四张牌,玩着要迅速算出等于24的算式- Fast calculated 24 playing cards games produces four signs, plays must rapidly figure out is equal to 24 mathematical formulas
- 只能实现人人对弈,人机对弈编好了在传上来!-only everyone plays, man-machine players, a good part of the Chuan onto! Thank you
- 一款非常好玩的小游戏一个有趣的宝石游戏- An interesting gem plays ,Visual C++,Windows编程/Windows Develop -A very fun little game, an interesting game gem-An interesting gem plays, Visual C, Windows Programming / Windows Develop
- 井字游戏:为双人对弈游戏,双方轮流放子,单任一行,列,斜线为三个相同的 子时即为胜利!, Well character game: For the two person playing chess game, both sides turn the exile, list any line, the row, the oblique line is three same periods of time from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m is the victory! ,Visual C
- XO Game with GUI 是一款用matlab编写的待用户界面的人工智能游戏。 This is an improvement on the previous text-based game that was previously created. This file features a GUI with the same AI and sound effects. The Computer plays based on very simple rules, yet it is di
- 一款简单的小型游戏,人人对弈,但不能人机对弈-small one simple game that everyone plays, but not man-machine players
- 供两个人网上对弈的网络五子棋源码, Network gobang source code on-line plays chess which for two people
mantischess104.zip 中国象棋人机对弈游戏
- 中国象棋人机对弈游戏, The Chinese chess man-machine playing chess plays
- 一个占星术算命游戏, An astrology tells fortunes plays