- 关于二十四点游戏的基本算法!漫长的假期对于我来说总是枯燥无味的,闲来无聊便和同学玩起童年时经常玩的二十四点牌游戏来。此游戏说来简单,就是利用加减乘除以及括号将给出的四张牌组成一个值为24的表达式。- About 24 games basic algorithms! Long vacation regarding me said always dull, 24 signs which with the schoolmate idly comes bored then to play when
- 井字游戏:为双人对弈游戏,双方轮流放子,单任一行,列,斜线为三个相同的 子时即为胜利!, Well character game: For the two person playing chess game, both sides turn the exile, list any line, the row, the oblique line is three same periods of time from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m is the victory! ,Visual C