- 控制两辆光束驱动的摩托车在游戏屏幕上快速行驶,直到其中一辆没有去路。顶部的橙色光车采用游戏杆控制,底部的蓝色光车采用键盘控制-two beam control motorcycle driven by the game moving fast on the screen, until one of them does not blocked. On top of the orange trucks joysticks control, the bottom of the blue light t
- 该游戏的玩法是允许两辆光束驱动的摩托车在游戏屏幕上行驶,知道其中一辆没有去路,撞到了游戏屏幕边界或另一亮光车留下的光迹为止。-Play the game is to allow two-beam-driven motorcycles traveling in the game screen, there is no way to know one, hit a game-screen borders or other light trucks to stay until the light tr