- “四国军师”是玩联众四国军旗的*工具,它能提供每个棋子的移动步数和吃子数,能估计出敌方棋子的大小,提供给棋手分析决策。四国军师是非常实用的游戏辅助*工具,借助四国军师,你将体会下四国军棋时,运筹帷幄,决胜千里的感觉。-"Four division" is playing flag Together the four countries of external tools, it can to provide every piece of mobile steps and
- 介绍了游戏*的基本步骤和制作技巧(其次有些地方附+备注),可以很方便的理解,即使一个初心者也能对其理解几层。-Describes the basic steps of the game plug-in and production skills (followed in some areas attached+ Notes), can be easily understood, even a Novice can understand its layers.
- *驱动有可能被360安全卫士或其它杀毒软件误杀,所以使用前须暂时关闭,请自行决定是否使用。 使用步骤请看*弹出来的对话框。-External drive may be 360 security guards or other anti-virus software, manslaughter, so use the former to be temporarily closed, please use discretion. Use these steps to see the p
- VC++ 写DNF*教程过检查 由于我的C用的比较少,所以大部分都用的汇编,部分地方用汇编写不是很方便,所以我用的C,由于只是学习,所以内核地址我没有计算都是硬编码的。过DNF主要分为三步,也许我的思路不太正确,反正可以OD调试,下断。 程序没怎么修边幅,因为只是测试,所以一般都没有写更改内核后的恢复,不过不妨碍使用。-VC++ to write DNF plug-in tutorial has been examined because of my C with the relati
- 千年*源代码和非常详细的分析步骤文档,以前做*的时候找了很久都没有找到这样的源码。贡献出来给大家了-Millennium plug-in source code and a very detailed analysis of the steps in the document, find time to do before plug-in for a long time have not found such a source. Out to all the contributions
- 非常牛的*软件,直接操作内存,操作步骤会有提示,希望大家下载下来看看!有些网络游戏都可以用-Very cattle plug-in software, direct manipulation of memory, the steps will be prompted, I hope you download it and see! Some online games can be used! ! !
- 通过深度优先搜索完成对粉碎玻璃游戏(可以在WP8、安卓等平台找到这款游戏)进行自动求解,只要输入相应数据就会打印出求解的步骤-Depth-first search through the completion of crushed glass game (in WP8, Android and other platforms to find the game) automatically solved, simply enter the appropriate data will print o