- 曾经得到国外金牌奖的作品. 优秀的小蜜蜂射击游戏 (完美版)-Quality full screen emulation of one of Namco s finest golden oldies, Galaga! Released back in 1981, right from the word go , Galaga was destined to leave its mark. Now a 25yr old game that’s still loved and remember
- 二维游戏中鼠标消息的传递及响应机制,游戏空闲状态下画面更新与触发更新的机制-The mouse message delivery and response mechanisms in the two-dimensional game, the game idle screen update trigger update mechanism
- 穿越火线 游戏菜单 自己更新最新基址 即可使用 功能包含 透视 方框 自瞄等等 BT(Through the fire line game menu update the latest base address can be used to include the perspective box self-aim and so on BT.)