- I have just written this to acompany the asteroids example program. Its a simple PURE VB APP, no api or directx etc. Simply shoot the moving baddies, they stop at random intervals at this time they cannot be shot. So its a bit more strategic
- 我们共提供了两个版本:1.5与3.5 最新提供:冰峰射日游戏服务端3.5版源码 让更多共同爱好决战的人研究. 说明: 本游戏服务端只供学习与参考之用,使用可能会引起纠纷,请在下载24小时内删除. 由使用者造成所有不良影响作者不承担任何责任! 本游戏服务端不带任何*,病毒,后门等,如怕危害到您的权益,请停止下载与使用本游戏服务端. 如不是本提供下载的本游戏服务端,请勿随意下载,如到别处下载本游戏服务端危害到您的权益,请自行负责!
- 一个外国人写的PS2模拟器完整源码,想研究的朋友可以看一下。 原作者说明:This is the long awaited linux return of PCSX2, a lot has changed since 0.8.1 but now its just as good as the windows version!! The build was compiled using Fedora Core 6, if you are experiencing random crashes,
- 一个外国人写的PS2模拟器完整源码,只能在64位Linux运行。 原作者说明:This is the long awaited linux return of PCSX2, a lot has changed since 0.8.1 but now its just as good as the windows version!! The build was compiled using Fedora Core 6, if you are experiencing random crashe
- 这是我自己编写的模拟奇迹服务端的login做的程序,但不是最完整的~大家可以作为参考~其实服务端的编写并不难(注意,由于时间问题,我采取了最懒的编写方式)-This was my miracle simulation prepared by the services side of the login procedure done, but not the most complete ~ we can as a reference to the fact the server is not di