- 这个游戏允许玩家选择一个方块,然后选择另一个方块。如果两个方块是相同的,那么它们将保持可见状态,玩家尝试找出另外两个相同的方块。如果两个方块不同,它们将再次翻转,从而再次隐藏。玩家的任务就是将它们翻开是记住不同方块的位置,以便将所有方块配对。开发平台为vs.net2003,源文件包括: Resource.h--资源ID头文件 Bitmap.h--位图头文件 Bitmap.cpp--位图源代码文件 GameEngine.h--游戏引擎头文件 GameEngine.cpp--游戏
- 采用 c# 编写的模仿 FC 上 \"吃豆\" 的小游戏, 同时实现了 GDI+ 和 DDraw 两套呈现引擎的即时切换. debug/release 中包含了运行时所需的声音和图片文件.-used to imitate FC prepared "to eat beans" of the game, Simultaneously DDraw and the GDI engine has two immediate handoff. debug / release China
- 一个自己用vc++作的强手棋,单机版,支持2人游戏,东西没修饰过,很质朴-an own use vc nemeses for the game, a single engine version, support two-player game, things did not modified, very gentle. .
- 基于 hge 引擎开发的俄罗斯方块DEMO,只实现了游戏的主干部分,对游戏的手感比较满意。-hge engine based on the development of the Russian box DEMO achieved only part of the backbone of the game, The feeling of the game quite satisfactory.
- stockfish国象的代码,,注释很好。功能很强。-Stockfish is a free UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. It is not a complete chess program, but requires some UCI compatible GUI (like XBoard with PolyGlot, eboard, Jose, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess
- 自己写的一个模仿雷电3的小游戏,没用任何引擎,里面有怎样计算跟踪导弹运行轨迹的算法,并且我写了比较详细的注释-Write an imitation of lightning 3 game, useless any engine, which has how to calculate the trajectory of the missile tracking algorithm, and I wrote more detailed notes
- 界面模仿QQ的美女来找茬。自带了20套图。源代码包含游戏主程序和关卡编辑器。功能几乎和QQ的找茬一样。采用HGE的引擎。-Interface to mimic the beauty QQ finding fault. Comes with 20 sets of plans. The source code contains the main program and the game level editor. QQ function of finding fault is almost the
- 仿QQ连连看单机版源码放出(附完整开发文档)。 本程序是使用著名的开源2D图形加速引擎HGE开发。 文档拥有详尽注释,包括每个文件的每个类、函数和变量。包括寻路算法等。 素材(纹理、音效)都是QQ连连看里的,仅供大家学习用。 附:右边栏的道具重列和提示可以无限次使用。-QQ Lianliankan stand-alone imitation source release (with full developer documentation). This procedure is
- 模仿QQ的连连看游戏,采用HGE引擎,模拟得非常真实,有很大的参考价值-Mimic the Lianliankan QQ games, HGE engine used to simulate a very real, there are a lot of reference value
- 模拟QQ的零用钱大作战游戏,采用HGE引擎设计,模拟得非常真实-QQ simulation game War of the pocket money, the HGE engine design and simulation of a very real
- 地图引擎(地图模块):生成游戏地图。初始化所有地图数据。 输赢判断模块:负责负责判定游戏是否胜利。 连接判断模块:负责判定,被选的两个图像是否可以消除。 预期成果: 1:游戏图像中,小块图形拼接部分无重影,无裂缝。 2:判定准确,可以准确判定被消除的两个图形。 3:地图刷新速度够快,无不流畅感。 4:整个游戏能正常运行,道具可以达到其效果。 5:初始化数据无差错,即所有图像成对出现。 -Map Engine (map module): Build the g
- 本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. -Games on my machine pr
- 基于TGB游戏开发引擎的飞机大战坦克二维小游戏源码-a small game(plane fight against tank)based on TGB game engine
- 自己写的打砖块游戏,使用了APE物理引擎,并对引擎本身做了修改,主要是泛型化.可以作为使用APE引擎的一个学习资料-Write their own BrickBreaker, the use of APE physics engine, and the engine itself was revised, mainly generic technology can be used as a learning data APE engine
- 一个HGE引擎做的猜拳游戏,有兴趣的C++新手可以看看,十分简单。-HGE engine to do a finger-guessing games, are interested in C++ novice can see, very simple.
- 3D推箱子的游戏。开发工具vs2008+dx9.0引擎代码没有时间去整理和优化了,现在将代码公开。-3D Push Box game. Development tools vs2008+ dx9.0 engine code is no time to organize and optimize, and now the code is open.
- 这是一款用J2ME开发的手机游戏,该游戏引擎实现多种功能,思路独特,有创新意识,值得学习!-This is a J2ME development mobile phone games, the game engine to achieve a variety of unique ideas, a sense of innovation, it is worth learning!
- 用cocos2d-x 2.0.1 写的切水果游戏,包括物理引擎,声音引擎,粒子等的应用,适合cocos2d-x初学者。-Fruit Cut written games with cocos2d-x version 2.0.1 , including physics engine, sound engine, particle application, suitable for cocos2d-x beginners .
- 利用cocos2d-x引擎制作的十字消除类,益智游戏-Use cocos2d-x engine produced Cross eliminate class, puzzle games
- 喵星战争使用cocos2d-x开发的小游戏,适合初学者学习cocos2d-x引擎-Meow Star Wars cocos2d-x development of the use of small game, suitable for beginners to learn cocos2d-x engine