- 用C语言编写的小游戏——猜数字。 游戏随机给出一个0至99(包括0和99)之间的数字,然后让你猜是什么数字。你可以随便猜一个数字,游戏会提示太大还是太小,从而缩小结果范围。经过几次猜测与提示后,最终推出答案-C language prepared by the small game -- ringing. Random game is a 0-99 (including 0 and 99) between the figures and then let you guess what the
- 实现简单的汉诺塔游戏,利用c++语言实现,并可由计算机给出答案-Tower of Hanoi to achieve a simple game, using c++ language implementation, and can give the answer by the computer
- 简单的二十四点游戏,简单的c++实现,c++课程习题解答。当然,也可以用来作为学生自己玩的游戏,自娱自乐。只是可能太简单了。-Simple two two p.m. game, a simple c++ implementation, c++ programs exercises answer. Of course, the students themselves can also be used as play games, entertain. Just might be too simpl
- 一个C语言实现的猜数字小游戏。对于每次的猜测结果,电脑会给出mAnB形式的判断,重复猜测,直至猜中。程序还实现了一点作弊的小功能。-A guess number game written by C. For each guess, program will return a result as "mAnB", repeat guess until get the right answer.
- 一个以C语言及windows API实现的猜数字小游戏,包含程序界面。对于每次的猜测结果,电脑会给出mAnB形式的判断,重复猜测,直至猜中。-A guess number game written by C and windows API, contain a windows GUI. For each guess, program will return a result as "mAnB", repeat guess until get the right answer.
- QT/C++环境下的数独游戏。可以自动生成题面,给出唯一解,也可以切换模式,手动输入题目。-QT/C++ sudoku project ensure the answer is unique, the game can choose level, game can be created either automatically or mannully.