- 这是一款吃水果游戏,主角只能水平移动,水果概率性的出现在主角的上方,当水里出现时,主角可以吐一条绳索,吃到水果后将加分,不同的关卡有不同的道具。-This is a plane hit the bees game, at the same time, the bees can also random bullets, code have show the score of information, and will display in the highest database. This is
- 三色旗是假设有一条绳子,上面有红、白、蓝三种颜色的旗子,起初绳子上的旗子颜色并没有顺序,您希望将之分类,并排列为蓝、白、红的顺序,要如何移动次数才会最少,注意您只能在绳子上进行这个动作,而且一次只能调换两个旗子。-Tricolore is assuming a rope above a red, white and blue flag, the flag colors rope initially did not order, you want to the classification and