- 是一款比较需要耐心的游戏,用游戏把子上下左右控制蛇的方向,寻找吃的东西,每吃一口就能得到一定的积分,而且蛇的身子会越吃越长,身子越长玩的难度就越大,不能碰墙,更不能咬自己的尾巴,等到了一定的分数,就能过关,然后继续玩下一关!-Is a comparison game requires patience, use game traverse to the child the up and down or so control the snake s direction, looking for f
- 用java编写的一个贪吃蛇游戏,可以左右移动,每吃一颗蛋会往尾巴涨一节-A game called Snake programmed by JAVA. Move to left or right. There will be one addition to the tail if you eat an egg.
- 用游戏把子上下左右控制蛇的方向,寻找吃的东西,每吃一口就能得到一定的积分,而且蛇的身子会越吃越长,身子越长玩的难度就越大,不能碰墙,更不能咬自己的尾巴,等到了一定的分数,就能过关,然后继续玩下一关!-With traverse to the child the up and down or so control the direction of the snake game, looking for food, can get certain points with each bite, and
- C语言开发的贪吃蛇游戏,可以自动计分,可以调节游戏窗口大小。蛇头撞蛇尾为输。(A snake game coded by C. It can auto scoring, also can change the gaming area. To win the game, you have to keep the snake head away from tail, also the edge of gaming area.)