- VC简单的智能五子棋游戏,支持电脑先走或人先走棋或者人机对战,支持悔棋,暂不支持网络对战,适合VC新手研究游戏编写.-VC Smart Gobang simple games, to support the computer go first or to walk first, or human-computer chess gaming, support for undo, not support online play, written for VC novices of the game.
- Pushbox game. It s consist 6 levels. You can create your own map. And you can undo, reset the game and you can save your highscore.
- Delphi开发的一个网络象棋游戏,并且有悔棋、保存和读取棋谱的功能。-Delphi to develop a network chess game, and undo, save and read chess functionality.
- Sokoban is a classic puzzle game invented in Japan. Sokoban means warehouse keeper in Japanese. The object of the game is to push chests into their correct position in a crowded warehouse with a minimal number of pushes and moves. The boxes can on