- 老鼠,此老鼠的地道很深,很复杂,就像迷宫一样,地图根据当前老鼠所在位置智能移动, -Mouse, the rat tunnel deep, very complex, like a maze, the map location of the light of the current smart mobile mouse,
- 老鼠,此老鼠的地道很深,很复杂,就像迷宫一样,地图根据当前老鼠所在位置智能移动, 对前一个版本的一些bug做了修正-Mouse, the rat tunnel deep, very complex, like a maze, the map location of the light of the current smart mobile mice on the previous version of the amendments make a number of bug
- j2me写的炸弹人源码,很小以前在FC机子上玩的炸弹人,就是那个炸兔子的。-The bombs were to write j2me source code, a small machine on the previous play FC bomb people is that deep-fried rabbit.
- 传说中,南极有一片广阔的冰原,在冰原下藏有史前文明的遗址。整个冰原被横竖划分成了很多个大小相等的方格。在这个冰原上有N个大小不等的矩形冰山, 这些巨大的冰山有着和南极一样古老的历史,每个矩形冰山至少占据一个方格,且其必定完整地占据方格。冰山和冰山之间不会重叠,也不会有边或点相连。 ACM探 险队在经过多年准备之后决定在这个冰原上寻找遗址。根据他们掌握的资料,在这个冰原上一个大小为一格的深洞中,藏有一个由史前人类制作的开关。 而唯一可以 打开这个开关的是一个占据接近一格的可移动的小冰块
- java开发的炸潜艇游戏源码和可执行文件包含图片。-submarines, deep-fried in java games source code and executable files.
- 用XNA4.0进行游戏Window7 Phone与Xbox开发的快速入门教程。由浅入深的介绍了XNA开发的基础知识,对于想进行相关开发的人员具有很好的参考价值,英文原版。-Get Started Fast with XNA Game Studio 4.0–and Build Great Games for Both Windows? Phone 7 and Xbox 360? This is the industry’s best reference and tutorial for
- 一个C++小游戏,深海狂鲨,是课程设计的题目,这是源程序,大家可以参考一下。-A simple picture game which based on visual C++.you can play it after download.
- 一款VC++游戏源代码,貌似3D的游戏场景效果,飞来的大石头像是从空间深处飘过来的,如果配上音效真的有身临其境的感觉唉。-A VC++ game source code, looks like a 3D game scene effect, the big rock flying like drifting deep from space, accompanied by the sound really immersive feeling alas.
- eye of the deep is a game that will let the user move but once it is in a hole it will post a "fall" message