- 这个程序有Alpha的代码,不过太慢了,我一直无法使他支持MMX,唉!我的p54c(你不知道p54c p55c的区别?)...如果您改进了他或完善了,请给我一份好吗?让我们共同进步!-Alpha code, but too slowly, I have been unable to keep him support MMX, huh! I p54c (you do not know the difference between p54c p55c) ... If you improve his
- VC++版搞笑大话西游周星弛,vb版也有一个,和这个几乎完全一样,区别在于开发语言的不同。属搞笑娱乐程序,源代码编译通过。-VC++ version of Westward Journey周星弛comedy, vb version also has a, and this is almost exactly the same, the difference lies in the development of different languages. Entertainment is a com
- "Calcoolation" is a puzzle game that at first looks like the popular Sudoku. Just like in Sudoku, you have an N x N matrix, where the digits 1 through N must be placed in each column and in each row without repetition. The difference lies in the fact
- 键盘打字练习游戏。本程序实现键盘打字练习功能,用户可续选择练习的难易程度,根据难易程度的不同,字母下落的速度会有所区别,游戏结束之后,程序能够统计用户练习的结果并输出。-Keyboard typing practice game. Keyboard typing practice program to achieve this functionality, users can choose exercises continued ease, according to the different
- 此程序完整地再现了早期的游戏,且具一定的游戏性,只要加上一定的画面和图象就与当今的RPG游戏相差不大了。 但此程序过于庞大,还有很方面可以简化语句和算法,例如可以更好的运用类精简程序。希望大家不断优化和完善。 -This program fully depicts the early game, numerate certain amount of gameplay, plus some pictures and images of today' s RPG game with a
- 1) 小球在窗口内的移动不能垂直向下,可以以某个角度斜向下运动。小球最初在窗口顶部出现的位置可以固定,以可以随机在某个位置出现 (2) 运动方向可以通过每次在x方向和y方向上增量不同来得到。 能检测窗口边界,碰到边界后会发生碰撞并且沿合理的方向运动。 在每次绘制小球时候,判断绘制该小球的位置是否已经到了窗口的上下左右边界。如果到了,就应该通过改变x和y方向的增量。来改变方向。 -1) The ball is not moving in the window vertically d
- Programming Linux Games Computer games tend to fall into a number of distinct genres. Many players have strong preferences for certain genres, which makes this an important issue for game designers to consider. And, the presentation of a game
- 自己写的,找茬小游戏。还在不断改进中-find difference game
- 使用Vb编写的现在比较流行的大家来找茬 游戏,适合Vb入门者学习参考-a game programmed using Vb ,suitable for the beginner
- 一个国外的j2me游戏源码,源自JAva核心,游戏写的是什么,没有测试运行,好多文件夹,源码结构规整,请在Eclipse下运行项目,学习Java研究Android软件开发的,可要借机看下,必竟两者的差别不太远,很多知识是共有的-A foreign j2me game source code, from JAva core, the game what is written, there is no test run, a lot of folders, source regular struct
- 基于SDL的粒子系统,可以根据喜好改变作用力方程,-a particle motion simulator based on sdl, try change the force formular so that to see the difference in the shown animations!
- 猜数字游戏 能够随机出现十以内的数字 。。。。。(In this paper, the multi-objective structural optimization design of torque converter is introduced with the application of genetic algorithm. The main optimization criteria are torque ratio, efficiency, permeability and a