- 热血游戏全集,众多的热血游戏让你热血沸腾,快点回到平机时代,回忆热血游戏带给你的快乐吧!-The Complete Works of blood game, many games let you passionate enthusiasm, quickly returned to ping machine era, memories of blood to your Game
- 还记得FC时代的贪吃蛇游戏吧,两只可爱的小蛇为了吃豆豆的冒险经历,现在贪吃蛇游戏也是根据当年响尾蛇改编的。现在,线在回归一下红白机年代的经典! -Still remember the time of the Snake FC games, two cute small snake eating Peas for the adventure, and now Snake Diamondbacks Game is based on adaptation of the year. Now, the l
- 那个年代风靡全球的俄罗斯方块,小的时候捧在手里,饭都忘记了吃的游戏。不妨自己试试。-That era Tetris swept the world, when both hands in the hands of a small, rice to have forgotten to eat the game. Probably should try.
- 红白机时代有一个经典的游戏叫“炸弹人”,本实例游戏的设计就是从这个游戏获得灵感的。简单来说,就是主角通过放置炸弹来消灭所有的敌人,并找到过关的 “门”进入下一关。-Red Machine era of a classic game called " bombs" and, in this instance of the game' s design is inspired from the game. Simply put, lead by placing bombs t
- Enquanto nós estamos torcendo para que um dia o DOSBox rode todos programas já feitos para PC, ainda nã o estamos lá. Hoje o DOSBox, rodando numa máquina potente, dificilmente será equivalente a um PC 486. O DOSBox pode ser configurado para