- Design and Code: Trinh Hung Anh k52 GameName: Dead Air 0.99final Day la game dau tay cua 1 dummy nhu toi nen co the co nhieu bug. Rat mong moi nguoi ung ho, test ca c bug va bao lai cho toi. More information facebook iJak Trinh Game opensou
- Design and Code: Trinh Hung Anh k52 GameName: Dead Air 0.99final Day la game dau tay cua 1 dummy nhu toi nen co the co nhieu bug. Rat mong moi nguoi ung ho, test ca c bug va bao lai cho toi. More information facebook iJak Trinh Game opensou
- Design and Code: Trinh Hung Anh k52 a simple keydetect app More information facebook iJak Trinh\nGame opensource, free to copy,modify.Language: java2microedition, MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.0
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