- This isn t a new player. It s mainly based on the mpegaudio (FHG-version) package with several additions and optimizations.-This is not a new player. It's mainly based on t he mpegaudio (FHG-version) package with sever al additions and optimiza
- OpenMax 的最新SDK。包涵应用层AL,集成层IL的源代码。-LIM Open source OpenMAX IL and AL implementation. Open source implementation of OpenMAX Integration Layer and Application Layer for Linux. Implementation includes IL (1.1.2) and AL (1.0) interface library, audio/vide
- MP3录音以及回放,调试完毕,完全代码 需要LibMp3Lame和Alsa-1.0.2x的支持 在F11系统下编译以及调试ok -Mp3_player & Record, need LibMp3Lame and Alsa-1.0.2x Debug Finsih All source
- Binaty File FIRMWARE for CAR DVD SUNPLUS SPHE8202D SERVO HI1SW6-SLT-826C (hitachi) ROM SIZE 2MB Version 210-00A For AL-7002
- mediatek dvd flasher suport serial and paralel flash chip
- 基于 OFDM的高速遥传电缆调制解调器设计 基于 OFDM的高速遥传电缆调制解调器设计-Abstract : In order to meet t he demand of high data volume for imaging tool s , a cable Modulator/ De2 modulator is investigated and developed since it is t he key to any high2speed cable t ransmission s
- This a project of LPC vocoder in matlab. El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar una codificació n de la señ al de voz medi ante un vocoder LPC y realizar ademá s el proceso inverso, recuperando la señ al sinte tizada.