- 分布文件系统 Ceph是基于California大学存储系统研究中心研究成果的LGPL项目-v0.13 released We’ve made a v0.13 release. This mostly fixes bugs with v0.12 that have come up over the past couple weeks: * [ku]lcient: fix sync read vs eof, lseek(…, SEEK_END) * mds
- 用于查看3gp mov mp4 文件格式框架. 新增了结构树浏览, 双击左侧树的节点可以显示当前的节点内部结构. 支持文件格式3g2 3gp, mov, mp4 等符合3gpp的文件。-Used to view 3gp mov mp4 file format framework. Add the tree view, double-click the left side of the tree node to show the internal structure of the curre
- The "media flow" (media_flow.h) is the top level concept that organizes the processing activities of mp4live. A media flow is a collection of media nodes (media_node.h), with forwarding rules between the nodes. Each media node is a thread within the
- A python scr ipt to recognise speech and convert to text.. implemented as a ROS node, which will publish the detected speech
- The source node is not altered or removed the original document but a new copy of the source node is created.-The source node is not altered or removed the original document but a new copy of the source node is created.
- Using the method importNode with deep=true, import the first address element node of this Document.
- 动作和语音控制的体感游戏,手势识别调用Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.SwipeGestureRecognizer库,调用集成类SwipeRightDetected SwipeLeftDetected进行动作识别;调用数据类型JointType用于储存识别后的骨骼节点;动作识别后对应键盘操作 -Motion and voice control of somatosensory game, gesture recognition Microsoft.Samples.Kinec
- 实现手机端web_rtc和后台的音视频通信.这个是源码修改后的项目.java端的代码可以在网上找node.js开发的webrtc源码. 该手机端是webscoket和http进行通信的-Achieve mobile terminal web_rtc and background audio and video communications. Background code can be found on the Internet webrtc node.js source development