- MPEG Audio Info Tool V2.2 可以显示 MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5 文件中的所有信息,最重要的是支持 VBRI 格式,这对了解各种格式的音频文件的结构有很大的帮助。,MPEG Audio Info Tool V2.2 Descr iption: This tool can display information about MPEG audio files. It supports MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5 in all t
- ITU的音频压缩g.722标准,里面有详细的算法说明-ITU standard G.722 audio compression, there are detailed algorithm descr iption
- 这是一个 音频和音乐处理的C++库。功能很强大。CLAM C++ Library for Audio and Music。CLAM has been used for a number of internal projects: time-stretching, real-time sax synthesis, content analysis and Mpeg7 descr iption (CUIDADO), real-time audio effects-This is a
- 介绍wav音频文件的格式,便于开发时分析wav文件的格式-descr iption of wav file format
- 说明 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 第8章“错误和异常”中的全部示例代码。包括: 目录 描述 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assert 使用断言做Logger系统的一个公用单元。 Error 一个跳过系统错误,并继续执行其后代码的技巧示例。 ExcRecheck 用于说明异常类型检测的依赖性所导致的问题。 Excep
- 快速傅里叶变换算法的c语言实现程序,具体描述了fft算法的实现过程-Fast Fourier Transform algorithm c language implementation procedures, specific descr iption of the fft algorithm implementation process
- 采样率,帧长,通道等音频基础知识介绍;关于CD音轨浅显易懂的描述;-Sampling rate, frame size, access and other basic knowledge of audio descr iption on the CD tracks easy to understand descr iption of
- 人耳听觉特性的描述,作音频开发的工程师一定要看一看。-A descr iption of human auditory characteristics for audio development engineer was required to take a look at.
- G.729音频压缩、解压缩到Matlab程序。使用方法详见readme文档。-Descr iption Most of G.729 source code is written in C.But this one is written in matlab. follow these steps to use it: 1.To coder a speech(ensure it as a row vector variable in matlab),simply type
- 噪声抑制的C++代码,要事先安装Intel的IPP多媒体库,效果不错,压缩包里有运行参数说明。-Noise suppression of C++ code, to pre-install Intel IPP multimedia library, good results, compression bag with operating parameters descr iption.
- 描述 === ===== 这是一个MFC应用程序中的纯音频媒体播放器相似点唱机。 你可以选择一个媒体目录和音频媒体播放所有文件, 包括Windows媒体文件。选项包括寻求,静音音频, 文件进行随机选择,调整音量和循环当前 媒体文件。-Descr iption =========== This MFC application is an audio-only media player similar to Jukebox. You can selec
- 包含M文件,培训和跟踪落实的噪音中描述的算法: [1] J.S.厄克伦斯和R. Heusdens,“非平稳噪声跟踪基于数据驱动的递归噪声功率的估计”,IEEE期刊。音频,语音卷。 16,第6页。1112年至1123年,2008年8月。 见Descr iption.doc在zip文件。-Contains m-files to train and implement the noise tracking algorithm described in:
- 音乐试听 v1.0 介绍: 音乐视听是我大二的时候学习asp时做的。当时记得是一个台湾人李劲写的asp教程,写的非常好,我现在还保留书中的源码。工作后,由于主要用VC开发程序,asp就很少用了,我想把它开源是个不错的主意。写这些代码时间比较早,大家仅作参考。 音乐试听 安装方法: 安装IIS,解压到一个网站目录下即可运行。 music.mdb为其access数据库,默认管理员用户和密码都是admin-Music Lyrics v1.0 Descr iption: music vi
- Abstract This document defines two Session Descr iption Protocol (SDP) attributes: "group" and "mid". They allow to group together several "m" lines for two different purposes: for lip synchronization and for receiving media from a
- wav 文件 村的格式讲解,非常详细,包含图示说明和结构说明-wav file format to explain the village, very detailed, containing illustrations and descr iption of the structure
- mail2voice Descr iption Mail client software dedicated to people with cognitive impairment and illiteracy. Very simplified graphical interface, voice recording outgoing messages (attached MP3), speech reading incoming messages -mail2voice
- 自己在开发wav项目时的笔记,里面有wav各个段的详细说明,希望对其他人有用。-In the development wav project notes, which wav various detailed descr iption of the hope that others will be useful.
- 音频AMR格式的frame structure标准。详细描述了帧结构。-The frame structure of the audio AMR format standard. A detailed descr iption of the frame structure.
- verilog描述的基于LMS的自适应噪声消除器ANC算法。用于数字音频处理。-The verilog Descr iption LMS-based adaptive noise canceller ANC algorithm. For digital audio processing.
- PSOLA算法原理级描述,主要讲解原理,加深理解,分析优缺点。-The PSOLA algorithm level descr iption, mainly on principle, to deepen understanding and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages.