- 计算高斯混合模型先验概率和后验概率的程序,采用大矩阵运算,大大提高了运行速度。-Gaussian mixture model calculated a priori probability and the probability of post-mortem procedures, using a large matrix computation, greatly improved speed.
- 高斯混合模型[Gaussian mixture model,简称GMM]是单一高斯机率密度函数的延伸,由於GMM 能够平滑地近似任意形状的密度分布,因此近年来常被用在语音与语者辨识,得到不错的效果。 -Gaussian mixture model [Gaussian mixture model, referred to as GMM] are single-Gaussian probability density function of the extension.GMM can approxi
- MATLAB結合HTK的特徵擷取應用SVM函式 的實際範例 並且可達到即時錄音辨識 輸出 前三個語音辨識的機率 -MATLAB with HTK feature extraction practical examples of application of SVM function and can reach the probability of the first three speech recognition in the real-time recording identificat
- The optimal quantization tables for Gaussian, Rayleigh and Laplacian probability density functions.Uniform quantizer is optimal for uniform distribution source, not for other distribution.The procedure is based on a Lloyd-Max iteration.