- Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable systems-Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable system s
- Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for 11/12 GHz satellite services-Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for 11/12 GHz sat ellite services
- 差错信道模拟程序,自己在做H.264错误隐藏时开发的,使用可以见压缩包里的BAT文件。-error channel simulation procedures, they do H.264 error concealment at the development, use compressed bundle can see the BAT documents.
- This sample shows the necessary code to recompress a WMV file. It shows reading uncompressed samples, writing uncompressed samples, multi-pass encoding, multi-channel output, and smart recompression. -This sample shows the necessary code to
Lcd Wall Ctrl 大屏液晶拼接控制系统
- 大屏液晶拼接控制系统,多子窗,多路多线程串口通讯,Ribbon风格,GridCtrl用法,漂亮的导航栏。-Large-screen LCD control system splicing, multiple sub-windows, multi-channel multi-threaded serial communication, Ribbon style, GridCtrl usage, beautiful navigation bar.
- h.264 算法 ti dm642,h264 支持高清 720p,1080i,在达芬奇(davinci) 643x,6437,644x上高清算法1080p马上要上次,免费,需要的给我发邮件vimc@163.com,详细参数一定得看h264.h文件,这个版本是最新,修正了多通道问题-h.264 algorithm ti dm642, h264 support high-definition 720p, 1080i, in Leonardo da Vinci (davinci) 643x, 6437
- DRM系统采用OFDM调制方式,具有多种传输模式,适用于多种信道和带宽的传输方式,可以传送音频流及数据流。本文介绍了DRM系统的接收机实现技术。-DRM systems use OFDM modulation, with a variety of transmission modes, applicable to a wide range of channel and bandwidth of transmission, you can send the audio stream and dat
- 数字电视地面广播传输系统帧结构、信道编码和调制标准-Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Transmission System frame structure, channel coding and modulation standards
- DVB_T系统中信道编码的研究与FPGA实现,一篇很好的说是论文,caj阅读器浏览- Research and FPGA Implementation of Channel Coding in DVB-T Systems
- 很好的关于联合信源信道编码的学习资料,传上来供大家分享!希望站长尽快审核,一起学习,一起进步!-A good book for joint source-channel coding, Chuan-up for everyone to share! Hope the station as soon as possible, review, learning together and progress together!
- H264 MPEG4编码器,可以支持4路D1编码,带FA626的CPU,是做DVR的极佳方案-H264 MPEG4 encoder, can support 4-channel D1 encoding, FA626 with the CPU, so DVR is an excellent program
- 最新PPLIVE网页嵌入代码,能在网页里拥有PPLIVE频道的代码。-Latest website PPLIVE embed code in the page code has a channel PPLIVE.
- Getstream is a great tool for streaming one whole DVB-S transponder to a local area network as multicast, with one multicast group per channel.
- S42L52 是一个 24 位 CS42L52 低功耗立体声编解码器,因其高度集成和高性能的音频输出而闻名。CS42L52 能够为外部扬声器的每个声道提供高达一瓦的高效 D 类放大,或者提供充足的能量向立体声耳机的每个声道输入 44 毫瓦功率,这使得 CS42L52 能够非常灵活地通过单电源运行其核心,可使 D 类放大器和电池直接连接,从而实现更高效的运行。这种 IC 对于便携式消费电子产品的作用非常理想,如:便携式媒体播放器、游戏设备、MP3 播放器相关产品、IC 录音机、数码相机和摄像机等。
- 利用VLC player製做Streaming server提供client可以利用此server接收Streaming。並且其功能具有頻道暫停之功能-VLC player to use the system to do Streaming server to provide client can use this server to receive Streaming. And its functions in the function channel pause
- Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable systems-Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable systems
- DuSLIC Dual Channel Subscriber Line Interface Concept PEB 3264, Version 1.4 PEB 3265, Version 1.5 PEB 4264/-2, Version 1.1/1.2 PEB 4364, Version 1.1/1.2 PEB 4265/-2, Version 1.1/1.2 PEB 4365, Version 1.2 PEB 4266, Version 1.2
- vod点播系统是数字点播业务的应用服务系统,主要提供用户查看本地片子的通道,用的oracle数据库,这里只提供媒资数据的管理-vod-demand system is a digital on-demand business application service system, which offers users to view local movie channel, with the oracle database, where only the media asset data man
- 本建议书 | 国际标准是为了满足视频会议、数字存储媒体、电视广播、网络流媒体和通信等各种应用对高压 缩比运动图像压缩日益迫切的需求而制定的。同时也是为不同的网络环境中的应用设计一种灵活的编码数据表示 方式。本建议书 | 国际标准将使得运动视频能够作为一种计算机数据被处理,可以存储在各种不同的存储媒体 上,能够在当前和未来网络上传送和接收,并且在现有和将来的广播信道上分配。 -This Recommendation | International Standard is to sati
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