- MONOGRAM MP3 Encoder 0.9-I know there already is an existing DirectShow wrapper for the great LAME library but I really wanted to write this one to have a nice addition to my filter collection and I also wanted to get to know the LAME interface so h
- 该库集成了所有支持格式(mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm )的编码解码器。库本身是由WINAPI编写,你无须额外的库,也不需要MFC / .NET的支持,只能在Windows下运行。 库直接对声卡播放音乐,简单容易。仅仅3行代码(创建类,打开文件,开始播放),你就可以播放音乐。 使用所支持的编码器,你也同样可以直接从声卡上录制声音(microphone, line-in, CD, ...)和把录制的声