- SH401.C 单片机驱动直流电机的例程 SH402.C 单片机数模输出控制LED亮度的例程 SH403.C 单片机PWM输出控制电机的转角 404 介绍光耦的作用 SH405.C 单片机驱动压电应变片的例程 SH406.C 单片机控制语音芯片的例程 SH407.C 单片机控制充电芯片的例程 SH408.C 单片机控制时钟芯片的例程 -SH401.C Microprocessor Motor routines SH402.C MCU control digital
- \"肇庆金鹏电子有限公司\" \"生产的中文系列液晶显\" \"示模块内含国际一二级\" \"简体汉字和半角及全角\" \"字符字库指令功能丰富\" \"使用方便标准用户硬件\" \"接口采用握手协议完全\" \"兼容一般点阵液晶模块\"-"Zhaoqing Jinpeng Electronic Company," "Chinese production of a series of liquid crystal," "
- 实现TWINS乒乓的对角线运动。 可以看到一对TWINS乒乓球的对角运动轨迹。在液晶显示屏两半显示面中对称的两个乒乓球从角落发出,向对角运动,到对角的角落然后又从头开始,如此循环。 可以按键盘的4键退出到主界面,进行选择进入其它组员模块。-achieve the diagonal movement. Can see a table tennis TWINS the right angle trajectory. The LCD screen shows two semi-symmetri
- Proteus入门材料,手把手教你操作,一切从零开始,学好单片机指日可待!-Proteus introductory material, Shoubashoujiao your operation, all from scratch, master microcontroller is just around the corner!
- 最近买了块开发板学习单片机,以下是电路原理图。不明白上面的4×4矩阵键盘(电路图最左上角)的编码原理。键盘的8条引线直接与p1.0^p1.7相连,疑惑的是即使按下任意按键也在p1口上读不到任何电平啊? 期待高手指点!-Recently bought a development board to study single-chip block, the following is the circuit schematic. Do not understand the above 4 × 4 m
- 1)每个街口有左拐、右拐、直行及行人四种指示灯。每个灯有红、绿两种颜色。自行车与汽车共用左拐、右拐和直行灯。 -1) are left in each corner, turn right, go straight and four pedestrian lights. Each lamp has red, green and white. Bicycle and car sharing left, right and straight lights.
- AD采集数据驱动程序 ,用流水灯显示,使用时只需更改单片机拐角-AD data acquisition driver, light show with water, the use of single-chip microcomputer can be changed when the corner
- 用飞思卡尔GP32单片机实现普通十进制计算器的功能,按键采用4×4键盘,显示采用16×2点阵式字符LCD,键盘符号定义如下:左下角的“<-”表示退格,即删除键,按一次删除LCD的最后一个数字。 LCD的第一行显示运算式,第二行显示运算结果。其他功能同普通计算器相同(只实现加减乘除四则运算功能)。 扩展功能:负数、小数运算。复合运算。连续运算。2进制、8进制运算。 -GP32 with Freescale MCU general metric calculator functio
- 里面含有直流电机的PWM波的驱动程序,更有做自动寻线小车程序,可以判断是否要拐弯-Which contains a DC motor PWM wave driver, car and more to do automatic line-tracking program, can determine whether or not to turn a corner
- 舵机 用于机械手的转角 可以根据需要在自己的程序里改变角度-Steering gear for mechanical hand corner as needed in your program to change the angle of
- 自动售货机:1、通过开关选择购买6角或8角的邮票;2、按下购买键,开始购买;3、按相应键,输入1角、5角、1元硬币;4、当输入硬币总值大于等于欲买邮票价值时,相应邮票输出并找零(邮票输出,找零均用LED灯表示,找零也有1角、5角、1元三种)5、若想终止交易,可按退钱键,退出已输硬币,交易结束。-Vending machines: one, through the switch to choose to buy six cents or 8 corner stamps 2, press the
- The book s approach is to allow you to pull linux towards your design by providing all the details and discusing many of the corner cases encountered in using linux in embedded system.
- 1、机器有一个投币孔,每次只能投入一枚硬币,但可以连续投入多枚硬币。机器能识别的硬币金额为1元,5角和1角。顾客可选择的饮料价格有1元,1元5角,2元三种。每次只能售出1瓶饮料。 2、购买饮料时先选择饮料价格再投币,当投入的硬币总金额达到或超过饮料价格后,机器发出指示信号并拒收继续投入的硬币。顾客投币后,按动确定键,机器将发出饮料和找零硬币,若所投金额不足,则发出欠资信号指示。在欠资情况下,顾客可以继续投币购买,也可按取消键,机器将退出所投入的全部金额。 3、顾客投入硬币之后,如果未
- 适用于乐高机器人9797,开发环境是ROBOT C参加LEGO CUP是写的小程序,沿固定跑道行走,对不同弯道有优化-Applicable to Lego robotics 9797, ROBOT C development environment is to participate in LEGO CUP is written in small programs, walking along a fixed track, there are optimized for different co
- 时钟程序:在右上角显示时钟,背景蓝色,前景黄色,F10停止,跳出程序,F9暂停-Clock procedures: in the upper right corner show the clock, the background blue, yellow prospects, F10 to stop, jump out procedures, F9 suspended
- 给定一个N*N 的方形网格,设其左上角为起点◎,坐标为(1,1),X轴向右为正,Y轴向下为正,每个方格边长为1。一辆汽车从起点◎出发驶向右下角终点▲,其坐标为(N,N)。在若干个网格交叉点处,设置了油库,可供汽车在行驶途中加油。汽车在行驶过程中应遵守如下规则: (1)汽车只能沿网格边行驶,装满油后能行驶K 条网格边。出发时汽车已装满油,在起点与终点处不设油库。 (2)当汽车行驶经过一条网格边时,若其X 坐标或Y 坐标减小,则应付费用B,否则免付费用。 (3)汽车在行驶过程中遇油库则应
- :温度传感器,数码管综合运用。 现象:DS18B20插在左上角,数码管上面显示当前环境温度。-: Temperature sensor, digital control integrated use. Phenomenon: DS18B20 inserted in the upper left corner, the digital display above the current ambient temperature.
- This code shows application PID algorithm for steering of the servo. Microcontroller ATmega16, servo TG9e and 2 range finders Sharp GP2Y0A21YK. Under indications of 2 range finders the corner between range finders and a surface is defined. Then on th
- corner detection program of an image
- Harris 角点检测 FPGA实现 Tak Lon Chao, Kin Hong Wong, "An efficient FPGA implementation of the Harris Corner feature detector" Code:in VHDL and Verliog running on Zedboard(Tak Lon Chao, Kin Hong Wong, "An efficient FPGA implementation