- 空调节电智能小管家,在空调处于待机状态时,则将空调的电源断开,定时等待当空间温度低于某个值时将其自动打开-Manager of small intelligent power-saving air-conditioning in the air-conditioning when in standby mode, disconnect the power supply will be air-conditioned, from time to time to wait when the spac
- 杭州万工公司的产品的开发例程,用于开发单相电表的芯片程序,属于SOC芯片。主要用于做简单表的开发-Hangzhou Wan Industry Co., Ltd. of product development routines, for the development of single-phase meter chip falls within SOC chip. Is mainly used to do the development of a simple table
- This Project Line Following Autonomous Robot is based on 8 bit Microcontroller AT89C2051. This Robot follows the black line which is drawn over the white surface or it follows the white line which is drawn over the black surface. The infrared sensors
- 热水器的程序包括资料。本设计以AT89C51单片机为核心,可以使热水器在绝大部分时间内都处于“有热水”的状态。即自动加热、自动加水。当水位低于一定水位的时候,自动加水功能启动。当水温低于设定水温时,自动加热功能开启。此外本设计还可实时监视水箱内水温和水位。 -The program includes information on water heaters. The design of the AT89C51 microcontroller as the core design of a h
- MCU:PIC16F73,ASM源码和原理图。功能1:汽车应急启动。2:轮胎自动充气功能,自动为轮胎充气,可根据用户设置的气压值自动对轮胎进行充气,达到预定值时,自动停止充气。3:照明功能。该系统配备了一个小灯管,可以为用户提供应急照明。4:汽车电池测试功能。5:系统自检功能。6自动充电功能。7:电池电压显示功能。8:系统数据的显示,采用C1602-1液晶显示系统的各种数据,为用户提供友好的人机界面。9:电池低电压报警功能,当电池电压低于低电压报警值时,系统报警,提示用户需对电池及时充电。-MC
- 每当夜幕降临,楼宇上、道路旁缤纷夺目的霓虹灯广告,构筑了一道璀灿的城市夜景,作为主角 —— 霓虹灯功不可没,而可编程序控制器是专用于工业控制的工业计算机,是现代化工业的三大支柱之一。-As night falls, building on the road, colorful neon signs advertising, has built a resplendent city at night, as a leading role--helped neon lights, and progr
- 本作品有设定最低温度和最高温度。当温度传感器测得温度低于最低温度时,电机停止运转。当高于最高温度时,蜂鸣器触发。风扇可切换手动跟自动模式。手动模式风速有9个等级,自动有6个。液晶屏显示当前温度,模式与风速等级。风扇具有复位按钮。复位后风速等级变为等级五。-This work has set the minimum and maximum temperatures. When the temperature sensor measures the temperature falls below t
- EM78P153S中断的应用,本程序以外部中断为例 上电时P50 输出高,在INT 引脚输入下降沿时进外部中断,P50 输出翻转一次。-Application of EM78P153S interrupt this program to external interrupt, for example On electric P50 output is high, the INT pin along the input falls into the external interrupt, fli
- 一个用Assembly写的测试手反应的程序 锤子是用乐高玩具进行架设的 测试者如果收放在探测器的前端锤子就会下落 用的是Quartus program(This is a hand reaction game using assembly program hammer is made of lego and when users put hands in front of hammer the hammer falls using Quartus program)
- 单片机以及光敏实现智能控制,电机的转动是通过继电器控制的,可见负载的广泛性。开机初始时为智能模式,通过明光敏的信号(白天或夜晚)电机会相应的白天上拉或夜晚下降,碰触相应的限位行程开关,停止转动。实际应用中行程开关安装在窗帘的上下限位处,当窗帘上升或下降到极限时,会碰触行程开关(设计中只是按键,得用手按住),行程开关会给单片机信号,从而防止过卷,安全无误。当按下遥控板上的切换按键(电机停止转动时才有效),就会实现智能模式与手动模式的切换。手动模式按一下上升或下降键电机相应的转动,再按下停止,窗帘拉
- 2相混合式步进电机驱动程序,配套MC860H驱动器,共阴极接法 EN提前DIR至少5us,正常工作为高电平 DIR提前PUL下降沿5us确定其状态高或底,DIR 高:正转,底:反转 PUL脉冲信号,高电平不小于2.5us,低电平不小于2.5us(2 phase hybrid stepper motor driver, matching MC860H driver, common cathode connection method.EN advance DIR at least 5us, n