- If a tree falls in the forest, and there s nobody there to hear, does it make a sound? This classic conundrum was coined by George Berkeley (1685-1753), the Bishop and influential Irish philosopher whose primary philosophical achievement is the advan
- The basis of branch and bound algorithms is a ranking function. The ranking function assigns a value to each node in the graph. At each step, a branch and bound algorithm uses the ranking function to decide which node to expand next. In contrast, the
- 非常经典的C语言图书:C traps and pit falls 详细介绍了C语言中的陷阱和缺陷-Very classic C language library: C traps and pit falls in the C language described in detail the traps and pitfalls
- 首先说一说为什么写这个教程,转眼间就毕业了,学校的日子还没 有过够。就要工作了,由于需要想要搞一搞ARM M3,很显然芯片选型 落在了STM32和NXP的 LPC17XX上了。最后选择了LPC1768这款型号, 买开发板、学习 (以前我只用过单片机和一点点 STM32),学习的过程 还算顺利,找到了ZLG 翻译的中文资料和 3 个版本的例程。-First talk about why write this tutorial, and shortly
- This book is about how to make MATLAB-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools. It falls naturally into two parts: • GUI design, or how to make something that’s useful • GUI implementation, or how to make something that works Th
- 图像分割是一种重要的图像分析技术,对图像分割的研究一直是图像技术研究中的热点和焦点。分水岭算法是基于数学形态学理论的图像分割算法,但是对噪声敏感且存在过分割的现象。为提高图像分割效果,本文通过对影像进行滤波处理,用改进的快速区域合并算法优化分水岭算法进行影像分割。实验结果与MeanShift算法得到的结果对比,证明此算法可以获得较好的分割效果。-In recent years, the watershed line has emerged as the primary tool of mathe
- this elder monitoring system. it is used to detect the elder who falls down towards earth.on that time it will indimate an sms using lpc2148.-this is elder monitoring system. it is used to detect the elder who falls down towards earth.on that time it
- Each sector monitors the number of user in sector cell. If number of mobile node falls down a given threshold in sector cell, base station shuts down power. Controlling base station power can reduce power consumption of base station
The managing money of future
- Your money is a huge part of your life. It can determine what you can do and where you can go. Learning how to manage your money the right way is an important step toward taking control of your life. Understand where your money is coming from, where
- 作者以自己1985年在Bell实验室时发表的一篇论文为基础,结合自己的工作经验扩展成为这本对C程序员具有珍贵价值的经典著作。写作本书的出发点不是要批判C语言,而是要帮助C程序员绕过编程过程中的陷阱和障碍。.. 全书分为8章,分别从词法分析、语法语义、连接、库函数、预处理器、可移植性缺陷等几个方面分析了C编程中可能遇到的问题。最后,作者用一章的篇幅给出了若干具有实用价值的建议。.. 本书适合有一定经验的C程序员阅读学习,即便你是C编程高手,本书也应该成为你的案头必备
- 编写一个打字母练习软件,随机从屏幕上方掉落字母,键盘点击该字母后消失,否则落到屏幕最下方,扣分,敲击成功加分,利用Timer控件实现字母的随机出现。-Write a letter playing practice software, random letters falling the top of the screen, click on the letter keyboard disappears, otherwise it falls bottom of the screen, poin